What`s ususally you do in the weekend?
Hanging out with friends?
Having a dating?
Or just like us today, staying at home:
Learning for test in Jan. 我在复习一月份的考试。
Reading books, 美眉在读白老师的《白说》,并认真做了笔记。
Listening soft music, 听着轻音乐!
Enjoying pizza and fruits, and seeing a HK DRAMA. 享受下午茶时光。
" I jut fart " saying with silly smile. 我傻笑着说:我刚刚放了个屁。
She also smile and then say: Er.... It is coffee flavored? 美眉笑着说,是咖啡味的屁。
I try to continue aking: Does the fart smell? Smell? 屁臭吗?臭吗?
At this time, PI coming in to take cushion and say: It`s smell terrible. And then go back to living room. 就在这时,皮皮走进房间来拿坐垫,并说道:臭。然后默默地回到厅里了。
The two of us in the room are laughing at the same time and then continue reading. 我们俩同时大笑起来,笑完后,然后继续看书。
Okay, finished writing and we are ready to run. 哈哈哈,我们准备去跑步啦~

It`s so comfortable today!
Let's fighting for tomorrow, girl.