【Translation】青蛙王子(下)--The Frog P

【Translation】青蛙王子(下)--The Frog P

作者: 小小小小的羊 | 来源:发表于2020-06-28 14:25 被阅读0次

The next evening the Princess was having dinner with the King. Suddenly, they heard a loud knocking at the door, and the Princess recognized the Frog's voice.(第二天晚上,公主和国王正在吃晚餐。突然,他们听到了很大的敲门声,公主认出了青蛙的声音。)

Princess, it is I, the Frog. I have come to keep you to your promise. You said you would allow me to eat with you. Please let me in. (公主,是我,青蛙。我来让你履行诺言。你说过你将允许我与你共进晚餐。请让我进去吧。)

Who is that, and what is he talking about? (那是谁,他为什么这么说呢?)

Embarrassed, the princess hesitated, but she told the king the truth about what happened between her and the Frog by the well. The king grew very angry. (羞愧之下,公主犹豫不决,但她还是一五一十地告诉国王她和青蛙在井边的事情的经过。国王很生气。)

Are you telling me you broke your promise? Open the door at once!(你是说你食言了吗?马上把门开开!)

Hesitantly, the Princess opened the door. The Frog hopped in right away and jumped towards the Princess. (不情愿中,公主打开了门。青蛙马上跳了进来,向公主跳来。)

Ugh. . . go away, you nasty thing! (走开,你这脏东西!)

Princess, be nice to your friend! Invite the Frog to the table to eat with us! (公主,对你的朋友好点!去邀请青蛙和我们共进晚餐。)

That evening, the Frog ate beside the Princess.

That evening, the Frog ate beside the Princess. As for the Princess herself, she was so disgusted that she couldn't swallow a bite.(这天晚上,青蛙在公主旁吃饭。对于公主自己来说,她恶心得咽不下一口饭。)

Princess, I am full now and ready to go to bed. Will you bring me to your bedroom? (公主,我吃饱了,打算睡觉。你可以带我到你的卧室吗?)

The princess was horrified. She didn't want the Frog in her nice, clean room, but the King insisted. (公主感到可怖。她不想让青蛙到她那干净整洁的房间,但是国王坚持这样做。)

The Frog helped you when you were in trouble, and you made him a promise. Take him to your room. (青蛙在你遇到麻烦的时候帮了你,你对他许下了承诺。把他带到你房间。

The Princess had no choice, so she took the Frog to her room.(公主别无选择,所以她把青蛙带到她的房间。)

She didn't want the Frog in her nice, clean room.

Stay away, disgusting creature!(待远点,恶心的生物!)

But Princess, aren't you forgetting your promise? I want to sleep in your bed. Please let me lie down, or I will go tell the King. (但是公主,你忘了你的承诺了吗?我想睡在你的床上,请让我躺下,不然我去告诉国王。)

That is enough! How can I sleep with a dirty ugly frog like you! (真是够了!我怎么能和一个像你这样又脏又丑的青蛙一起睡觉呢?)

Furious, the Princess hurled a pillow at the Frog. Go away and never come back! (怒气之下,公主向青蛙猛地扔去一个枕头。滚开,再也别回来了!)

Suddenly, something very strange happened. There was a glow of light and the Frog transformed into a handsome Prince! The Princess was shocked. (突然,很奇怪的事情发生了。出现一束光,然后青蛙变成了一个英俊的王子!公主震惊了。)

Princess, I am the Prince of the neighboring kingdom. I was cursed by an evil witch and turned into a frog. Thank you for breaking the spell, my Princess. Would you agree to be my wife? (公主,我是邻国的王子。我被邪恶的女巫诅咒,然后变成了一只青蛙。谢谢你解开咒语,我的公主。你愿意做我的妻子吗?)

The Prince was so handsome that the Princess fell in love with him right away. But then, she remembered how rude she was to him when he was a frog and she felt very embarrassed. (王子如此英俊以至于公主一下子爱上了他。但是她想起在他还是一只青蛙的时候,自己对他是多么的无礼,她感到十分羞愧尴尬。)

But Prince, I was so horrible to you before. Can you ever forgive me?(但是王子,我之前对你太糟糕了。你可以原谅我吗?)

I understand, Princess. I will gladly accept your apology if you make me another promise — from now on, you will never judge people by appearances. (我理解,公主。我很高兴接受你的道歉,如果你能给我另一个承诺的话——从现在起,你不再以貌取人。)

Yes, I promise.(好的,我答应。)

The Princess learned her lesson, and from that day on, she was kind and polite to everyone she met, regardless of their appearance. (公主吸取教训,从那天起,她对每一个见到的人既友善又礼貌,不论他们的长相。)

The Prince and the Princess lived happily ever after. (王子和公主从此过上了幸福的生活。)





2. hurl:猛扔(v).

3. transform:转变;




4. break the spell:解开咒语.



      本文标题:【Translation】青蛙王子(下)--The Frog P
