Vue3.x mitt.js 发布-订阅模式库

Vue3.x mitt.js 发布-订阅模式库

作者: small_zeo | 来源:发表于2023-09-17 14:16 被阅读0次

mitt API方法有:

  • on 订阅事件
  • emit 发布事件
  • off 取消订阅的事件


$ npm install --save mitt

// using ES6 modules
import mitt from 'mitt'

// using CommonJS modules
var mitt = require('mitt')


import mitt from 'mitt'

const emitter = mitt()

// listen to an event
emitter.on('foo', e => console.log('foo', e) )

// listen to all events
emitter.on('*', (type, e) => console.log(type, e) )

// fire an event
emitter.emit('foo', { a: 'b' })

// clearing all events

// working with handler references:
function onFoo() {}
emitter.on('foo', onFoo)   // listen
emitter.off('foo', onFoo)  // unlisten


import mitt from 'mitt';

type Events = {
  foo: string;
  bar?: number;

const emitter = mitt<Events>(); // inferred as Emitter<Events>

emitter.on('foo', (e) => {}); // 'e' has inferred type 'string'

emitter.emit('foo', 42); // Error: Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. (2345)

// or

import mitt, { Emitter } from 'mitt';

type Events = {
  foo: string;
  bar?: number;

const emitter: Emitter<Events> = mitt<Events>();


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      本文标题:Vue3.x mitt.js 发布-订阅模式库
