6 How to talk about science and

6 How to talk about science and

作者: MrWisdom | 来源:发表于2018-09-17 16:30 被阅读9次

    1. anthropologist : whose field is all mankind.

     1. anthropos : mankind.
     2. logos : science,study

    2. astronomer : whose field is the heavens.

     1. astron : star, nomos, arrangement, law or order
     2. nautes : `Greek word` sailor
     3. cosmonaut : `Greek` universe.
     4. naus : `Greek` ship
     5. nomos : arrangemnet, law or order.
     6. autos : self
    • astronomy : n 天文学
    • astronomical : adj
    • astrology : which assesses the influence of planets and stars on human events.
    • astrologer : n the practitioner of astrology.
    • astrological : adj
    • astronaut : n a sailor among the stars.
    • astrophysics : n that branch of phicsics dealing with heavenly bodies天体物理学
    • astrophysical : adj
    • disaster
    • disastrous
    • cosmonaut : n a sailor among the universe by Russians.
    • nautical : adj relating to sailors,sailing, ships, or navigation.航海的;海上的;船员的
    • nautes : n
    • nausea : ship-sickness or seasickness.
    • aster : a star shaped flower.
    • asterisk : a star-shaped symbol(*).
    • autonomy
    • autonomous
    • metronome : 节拍器 in that way govenrns or orders the measure of the player.

    3. geologist : what's below?

    1. ge or geo- : `Greek` earth
    • geology
    • geological
    • geometry : measurement of the earth. is that branch of mathematics treating of the measurement and properities of solid and plane figures.几何学
    • geometrician : n
    • geometric : adj
    • geography : map of the earth 地形学
    • geographical
    • geographer

    4. biologist : What is life?

    1. bios : life
    2. opsis : view or vision
    • biological : adj
    • biology : n
    • biography : n writing about someone's life.
    • autobiography : n the story of one's life written by oneself.
    • biopsy : n a medical examination of living tissue.
    • autopsy : n which is a medical examination of a corpse in order to discover the cause of death.

    5. botanist : whose field is plant.

    1. botane : `Greek` plant
    • botany : n plant
    • botanical : adj

    6. zoologist

    1. zoion : `Greek` animal.
    • zoology
    • zoological

    7. entomologist : experts who researh insects.

    1. en- : `Greek` in 
    2. tome : a cutting. 
    3. sectus : a form of the verb meaning to cut
    4. in- : `Latin` in
    5. ec- : `Greek ek-` 
    6. kentron : `Greek` center
    7. a- : `Greek prefix` makes a root negative.
    8. ana : `Greek prefix` has a number if meanings, one of which is up.
    9. discha- : `Greek prefix` in two.
    10. epi- : on, upon.
    • entomological
    • insect
    • tonsillectomy : tonsill,扁桃体切除术
    • appendectomy : appendix,阑尾切除术
    • mastectomy : breast, 乳房切除术
    • hysterectomy : uterus,子宫切除术
    • prostatectomy : prostate, 前列腺切除术
    • eccentric :adj out of the center, hence deviating from the normal in behavior, attitudes, etc. or unconventional , odd, strange.
    • eccentricity : n
    • atom : n one that could not be cut any further.
    • atomic : adj
    • anatomy : n 解剖学.
    • anatomical : adj
    • tome : n a dull and heavy book.
    • dischotomy : a splitting in two.
    • dischotomous : adj
    • dischotomize : v
    • epitome : n 1.things that shows on a small scale all the characters of sth much larger. 2.person or thing that is a perfect example of quility,type. 3.short summary of a book ,speech, etc.
    • epitomize

    8. philologist : linguistic scientist.

    1. philein : to love 
    2. logos : word or speech
    3. lingua : `Latin` tongue
    4. andros : male
    5. sophos :`Greek` wise
    6. adelphos : `Greek` brother
    7. Aphrodite : the Greek goddess of love and beauty.
    8. biblion : `Greek` book
    9. Anglus : `Latin` English
    • philological : adjthe love of words.
    • philology : n
    • linguistics : n
    • philanthropy : n the love of mankind.
    • philanthropist : n the person who love mankind.
    • philanthropic : adj
    • philander : to "play around" sexually, be promiscuous, or have extramarital relations.
    • phlianderer : n the man of have philander.
    • Philadelphia : the city of Brotherly city.费城
    • philosophy : the love of wisdom.哲学
    • philharmonic : the love of music or harmony.
    • philter : a love potion.
    • aphrodisiac : the thing that can arouses sexual desire.
    • aphrodisiacal : adj
    • Aphrodite
    • bibliophile : n one who loves books.
    • anglophile : one who admires and is fond of the Britsh people,costoms,culture.

    9. semanticist : 语义学家

    • semantic : adj
    • semantical : adj
    • semantics : n

    10. sociologist

    1. socius : `Latin` compasion
    2. anti- : against
    • social
    • socialize
    • society
    • sociable
    • associate
    • antisocial : adj one who dislikes people, and often behaves in ways that are detrimental or destructive to society or the social order.
    • asocial : adj someone who is withdraw and self-centered, avoids contact with others, and feels completely indifferent to the interests or welfware of society.
    • prosocial : one who likes people.



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