📚慈话钰言•禅意 Chan Meditation

📚慈话钰言•禅意 Chan Meditation

作者: 慈话钰言 | 来源:发表于2018-08-16 13:06 被阅读0次


Meditation is not something unique to Buddhism. It had been practiced in India before Shakyamuni was born. The ancient Indians, not only nonBuddhist practitioners and ordinary people, but also sramana groups seeking spiritual freedom, were very fond of meditative practice, which was different from the Chinese who considered family ethics, such as producing children  and supporting elders, the most important things in life.


What's fundamentally different in the supermundane Buddhist meditative concentration from mundane meditative concentration is that the former aims to reveal wisdom based on meditative concentration, while the latter is more a way to seek secular and celestial blessings and rewards.


One day after his enlightenment, as recorded in the Sutra of Mahabrahma Deva Enquiring for Buddha (Da Fan Tian Wang Wen Fo Jue Yi Jing) the Buddha was preaching to his disciples at the Vulture Peak assembly. Observing that it was the right time to inspire them, he drew a flower from the bouquet offered by Mahabrahma Deva and showed it to the assembly. Surprisingly, none of his most intelligent disciples including Shariputra understood what the Buddha meant, but Mahakassapa, the most ascetic one, smiled knowingly. The Buddha nodded and promised to Mahakassapa, “I know all the dharmas as formless being their nature, and I have a mind of nirvana. All the subtle ways to the dharmas I shall convey to you.” There is also written evidence of Shakyamuni Buddha sharing half of his seat with Mahakassapa to show recognition for his ability of awakening.


The story might sound too simple to be reasonable, but it conveys the very profound meaning of mind to mind transmission of Chan.

📚慈话钰言•禅意 Chan Meditation



      本文标题:📚慈话钰言•禅意 Chan Meditation
