Alg Des - Knowledge Frame - Part

Alg Des - Knowledge Frame - Part

作者: RicciWoo | 来源:发表于2017-09-25 21:41 被阅读0次

    Knowledge Frame - Part I

    • Stable Matching
      • Stable Matching
        • Algorithm
          • START w/ an empty matching
          • WHILE exists a free man
            • Pick a free man m (FreeQ.DeQueue)
            • m proposes to his favorite untried womon w
              • (w = MenPre[m][P[m]]; P[m]++)
            • IF w prefer m to her current partner m'
              • (m’ = WomanPartner[w]) THEN
              • set m’ free (FreeQ.EnQueue <- m’)
              • accept m (WomanPartner[w] <- m)
            • ELSE w reject m.
              • (IF m hasn’t proposed to every woman THEN)
                • (FreeQ.EnQueue <- m)
        • Claim:
          • In man proposing, women’s partner always gets better (in her view)
        • Time Complexity: O(n^2)
    • Interval Scheduling
      • Interval Scheduling
        • Algorithm
          • Sort n jobs in increasing order of finishing times
          • FOR j = 1 to n
            • IF Ij is compatible w/ accepted jobs
              • THEN accept Ij
        • Proof: find the time
        • Time Complexity: O(n*log(n))
      • Scheduling All Intervals
        • Algorithm
          • Sort jobs in increasing order of start times
          • FOR j 1 to n DO
            • IF exists a processor that can accept Ij
              • THEN Choose any such processor Pk
                • Pk accepts Ij
            • ELSE Allocate a new processor and accept Ij
        • Key point of proof
          • find the time when there are depth+1 jobs are active: right after Sj
        • Time Complexity: O(n*log(n))
    • Minimum Spanning Tree
      • Claim 1: Let T be a MST, e in T, then e is the cheapest edge in the fundamental cut defined by T,e.
      • Claim 2: Let T be a MST, e in E\T, then e is the most expensive edge in the fundamental cycle defined by T,e.
      • Assume all edge weights are distinct
      • Cut Property: For any cut (A,B), let e be the cheapest cut edge, then e must belong to every MST
      • Cycle Property: For any cycle C, let e be the most expensive edge in C, the e does not belong to any MST
      • Kruskal’s Algorithm
        • Algorithm
          • Start w/ T = empty
          • FOR i = 1 to n-1 DO
            • Choose a cheapest edge from E\T and add it to T
          • OUTPUT T
        • Using Union-Find data structure
        • Time Complexity: O(m*log(n))
          • using Union-Find data structure with Union: Merge-By-Size
        • Time Complexity: O(mlog(n)) sorting + O(malpha(n)) for sorted input
          • using Union-Find data structure with Union: Merge-By-Size and Find: Path Compression
      • Prim‘s Algorithm
        • Time Complexity: O(m*log(n)) using Binary Heap
        • Time Complexity: O(n*log(n)+m) using Fibonacci Heap
      • Reverse-delete Algorithm
        • Algorithm
          • Start w/ T=E
          • FOR i = 1 to m-n+1 DO
            • choose the most expensive edge e in T, remove e from T
          • OUTPUT T
        • Time Complexity: O(m^2*n)
      • Boruvka’s Algorithm
        • Time Complexity: O(m*log(n))
      • Boruvka+Prim’s Algorithm
        • Time Complexity: O(m*log(log(n)))
    • Single Source Shortest Paths
      • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
        • Algorithm
          • Start from dist[s]=0, dist[v]=w(s,v)
          • S={s} <- explored nodes: for any u in S, dist[v] is final
          • Repeat n-1 time
            • Pick v in V\S, s.t. dist[v] is smallest
            • S <- SU{v} <- mask v as explored, dist[v] finalized new edges: (v,u) for all u in V\S, for every (v,u) in E, u in V\S <- representation of v
              • dist[u] = min{dist[u], dist[v]+w(v,u)}, from [u]<-v if the update is successful
        • Time Complexity: O(m*log(n)) using Binary Heap
        • Time Complexity: O(n*log(n)+m) using Fibonacci



          本文标题:Alg Des - Knowledge Frame - Part
