

作者: 叽咕叽咕guanguan | 来源:发表于2017-01-26 21:42 被阅读0次


作曲 : 김희진/남혜승

作词 : 김희진/조혜음

Through the endless daydream

I saw you on the way back

There I walked with you in my arms

Through the blurry darkness

Who’s veiling on the twilight

We’ve been far away from my fears

Somewhere else I’ll see you

Our days be like a blossom

Blooming all around you

so bright

By and by, I’ll miss you

and your laugh like a sunshine

Fading into shadow of tears

All around me is your light

With you, everything so shines

How come we’ll leave all behind?

Cause your love is falling on my heart

And I’m falling for you

Falling with broken wings again

Hush now, my angel

I will always be with you

In your pretty smile

in a glow of tears

Out across the frosty night

I’ll be there with you

Maybe someday

you’ll wake up alone without me

But don’t cry again,

I’ll be waiting here

Where the moon is on the rise

As the olden days

I could just go with you

between our time

Where they can’t find us


You could just come away

with me, out there

Where we could dream away

All day

Hush now, my angel

I will always be with you

In your pretty smile

in a glow of tears

Out across the frosty night

I’ll be there with you

Maybe you‘ll always breath in me

ever in my heart

All the little pieces of you

look how they shine above

Come away with me tonight

We’ll be dreaming away there

Maybe you‘ll always breath in me

ever in my heart

All the little pieces of you

look how they shine above

Come away with me tonight

We’ll be dreaming away there


如果说2016年在自我认知方面有什么提高的的话那就是我终于认清并发自灵魂深处认识到自己是一个缺乏耐心的人。我唯一一直保持的爱好就是看韩剧。并且因为年岁增长再也不好意思分享给身边的小伙伴,毕竟他们聊的是美剧等。我为什么喜欢看韩剧?因为我觉得好看的韩剧被设计的太美了,时间不多,请保留在美的氛围里。中国电视剧太啰嗦,啰嗦到歇斯底里。《琅琊榜》除外。我看韩剧都是偶像剧,韩剧编辑阿姨们已经逆天了,从假兄妹相爱一方因为绝症死亡,到恋着恋着一方失忆,到契约恋爱,到特殊职业群体恋爱,各种剧情设置,如今不得不跨种族了,比如最近的人与美人鱼,以及这部人与鬼怪的剧情设置。让我膜拜的一塌糊涂。老外那种Black mirror剧情设置...看完一年了,想起来都吃不下饭,说你不好对不起你对人性的敏锐窥视,说你好,我真的膈应一年多了。韩剧多好,每个场景都美的像电影,这部鬼怪更是逆天,每首音乐都处处体现用心、冬日有太阳的午后站在小河边循环听这个旋律,真的,又活过来了。这部剧唯一的遗憾是我没哭,就觉得太美,不够虐。孔欧巴在我心里都不属于太帅的,一直被我列为实力派演员,小眼睛努力诠释忧伤,悲伤,初恋的美好。女主单眼皮女生的又一次逆袭,网上评论都很好,但我没哭,这个让我觉得不够过瘾。但怎么说呢,人老了,难免心灵长茧你不能怪人家演员。这部剧虽然人设奇特,但剧情还是套路,鬼怪就是霸道总裁,鬼怪新娘就是灰姑娘,命运般相爱,没有出现抢人的女二或男二,所有障碍是相爱了就得要不男的死要不女的死,都不想死就一直哭,直到男主不得不借女主手消失了,女主失忆了。失忆还是莫名的天天哭,直到男主再出现。。。编剧的升华在于一致强调神在我们身边以及诠释:人有四个人生:撒种的人生,给种子浇水的人生,浇水的种子收获的人生,享用收获的人生。人有四世,让辛苦的人们不至于太绝望,也不要太随意,全剧从开始就设置悲伤的宿命感,无法摆脱和改变的神的旨意,但最后指出其实神只是给出选择,你的选择决定了你的下一世。升华。如果这样想想,生活还值得眷恋坚持。一个偶像剧能给人带来这种思考,着实不易!



