spark 数据建模准备
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").appName("shuangyu").getOrCreate()
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,144.5,5.9,33,'M'),
print("count of rows: {}".format(df.count()))
print("count of distinct rows: {}".format(df.distinct().count()))
count of rows: 7
count of distinct rows: 6
df = df.dropDuplicates()
| id|weight|height|age|gender|
| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|
| 5| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|
| 1| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|
| 4| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|
| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|
| 3| 124.1| 5.2| 23| F|
print("counts of ids: {}".format(df.count()))
print("counts of distinct ids: {}".format([c for c in df.columns if c != "id"]).distinct().count()))
counts of ids: 6
counts of distinct ids: 5
df = df.dropDuplicates(subset = [c for c in df.columns if c != "id"])
| id|weight|height|age|gender|
| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|
| 1| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|
| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|
| 3| 124.1| 5.2| 23| F|
| 5| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|
import pyspark.sql.functions as fn #导入spark sql的一些函数
| 5| 4|
#withColums 新增一列
#monotonically_increasing_id 生成唯一自增ID
| id|weight|height|age|gender| newId|
| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F| 25769803776|
| 1| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M| 171798691840|
| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M| 592705486848|
| 3| 124.1| 5.2| 23| F|1236950581248|
| 5| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|1365799600128|
df_miss = spark.createDataFrame([(1,143.5,5.6,28,'M',10000),
#统计每一行缺失的数据量 row: (row['id'],sum([c == None for c in row]))).collect()
[(1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 4), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 2), (7, 0)]
df_miss.where('id == 3').show()
| id|weight|height| age|gender|income|
| 3| null| 5.2|null| null| null|
df_miss.agg(*[(1-(fn.count(c)/fn.count('*'))).alias(c + "_miss") for c in df_miss.columns]).show()
|id_miss| weight_miss|height_miss| age_miss| gender_miss| income_miss|
| 0.0|0.1428571428571429| 0.0|0.2857142857142857|0.1428571428571429|0.7142857142857143|
df_miss_no_income =[c for c in df_miss.columns if c != "income"])
| id|weight|height| age|gender|
| 1| 143.5| 5.6| 28| M|
| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|
| 3| null| 5.2|null| null|
| 4| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|
| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|
| 6| 124.1| 5.2|null| F|
| 7| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|
#thresh=3 表示一行中非NONE的数据少于3个则去除该行
| id|weight|height| age|gender|
| 1| 143.5| 5.6| 28| M|
| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|
| 4| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|
| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|
| 6| 124.1| 5.2|null| F|
| 7| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|
| id|weight|height|age|gender|
| 1| 143.5| 5.6| 28| M|
| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|
| 4| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|
| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|
| 7| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|
means = df_miss_no_income.agg(*[fn.mean(c).alias(c)
for c in df_miss_no_income.columns if c != 'gender'])\
means['gender'] = "missing"
#df.fillna(dict) 填充df中的none值,dict中以各个col字段作为key,要填充的值作为value
{'age': 40.4, 'height': 5.471428571428571, 'gender': 'missing', 'weight': 140.28333333333333, 'id': 4.0}
| id| weight|height|age| gender|
| 1| 143.5| 5.6| 28| M|
| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|
| 3|140.28333333333333| 5.2| 40|missing|
| 4| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|
| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|
| 6| 124.1| 5.2| 40| F|
| 7| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|
df_outliers = spark.createDataFrame([(1,143.5,5.3,28),
cols = ["weight","height","age"]
bounds = {}
for col in cols:
quantiles = df_outliers.approxQuantile(col, [0.25,0.75], 0.05)
IQR = quantiles[1] - quantiles[0]
bounds[col] = [quantiles[0] - 1.5*IQR, quantiles[1] + 1.5*IQR]
print("bounds: ",bounds)
outliers =*['id'] + \
[((df_outliers[c] < bounds[c][0]) | (df_outliers[c] > bounds[c][1]) )\
.alias(c +"_o") for c in cols])
bounds: {'age': [-11.0, 93.0], 'height': [4.499999999999999, 6.1000000000000005], 'weight': [91.69999999999999, 191.7]}
| id|weight_o|height_o|age_o|
| 1| false| false|false|
| 2| false| false|false|
| 3| true| false| true|
| 4| false| false|false|
| 5| false| false|false|
| 6| false| false|false|
| 7| false| false|false|
df_outliers = df_outliers.join(outliers,on = 'id')
#上面的join语句不要写成 df_outliers.join(outliers, == 否则在
#新生成的 df_outliers中会有2列id,后面在select时会报错AnalysisException: "Reference 'id' is ambiguous
| id|weight|height|age|weight_o|height_o|age_o|
| 7| 129.2| 5.3| 42| false| false|false|
| 6| 124.1| 5.1| 21| false| false|false|
| 5| 133.2| 5.4| 54| false| false|false|
| 1| 143.5| 5.3| 28| false| false|false|
| 3| 342.3| 5.1| 99| true| false| true|
| 2| 154.2| 5.5| 45| false| false|false|
| 4| 144.5| 5.5| 33| false| false|false|
| id|weight|
| 3| 342.3|
| id|age|
| 3| 99|