Guinea — a country on the west coast of; 几内亚
poor and violent — 贫穷与暴力;
terrifying adj. — If something is terrifying, it makes you very frightened.
bleed v. — When you bleed, you lose blood from your body as a result of injury or illness.
internal and external bleeding — 内外出血
contagious adj. — A disease that is contagious can be caught by touching people or things that are infected with it.
fluid n. — A fluid is a liquid. [FORMAL]
body fluids — 体液,复数表示包括汗,唾液等。
fatal adj. — A fatal accident or illness causes someone's death.
epidemic n. — If there is an epidemic of a particular disease somewhere, it affects a very large number of people there and spreads quickly to other areas.
not until — 直到……才
rage v. — (of an illness) spread very rapidly or uncontrollably
peak v. — When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.
pay heed — If you take heed of what someone says or if you pay heed to them, you pay attention to them and consider carefully what they say. [FORMAL]
panic v. — Panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear, which makes you act without thinking carefully. (V.en: panicked)
prompt v. — To prompt someone to do something means to make them decide to do it.
IN MARCH 2014 the brave doctors of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) sounded an alarm. They were struggling to contain an outbreak of Ebola in Guinea, a poor and violent west African state. The Ebola virus causes a terrifying disease: a fever sometimes followed by massive internal and external bleeding. It is contagious, via body fluids, and frequently fatal. Yet no one paid much attention to MSF’s warning, and by June the epidemic had spread to 60 places in three countries. It was not until August that year that the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared an international health emergency. The delay allowed Ebola to rage out of control, killing 11,000 people in six countries and leaving 17,000 children without one or both of their parents. Only after the epidemic had peaked did the world pay heed. Some governments panicked, imposing flight bans on all travellers from affected countries. This prompted many to go by road, where they were harder to track.
- poor and violent,很多时候形容美国一下很乱的街区就会用到这个搭配。
- massive internal and external bleeding — 大面积的内外出血。
- rage — 前文使用spread讲述Ebola Virus在扩散,此处使用rage替换了spread,rage有暴发、蔓延的意思,表示virus一发不可收拾。
- without one or both of their parents — 伴随状语,表示儿童失去父或母或双亲。
- pay heed vs. panic — 上一句使用pay heed,表示很多国家会consider carefully,下一句使用panic,有着without thinking carefully,既转折又不需要使用"but","however", "though"等描述。
- impose bans,可能introduce bans替换。