

作者: 提琴向海1 | 来源:发表于2020-08-06 22:34 被阅读0次


    The AAA online food ordering and delivering system should be able to allow the users to order food online and get them delivered. To use the system, the user will need to sign up an account or login their existing accounts to use other functionalities. Within the system, a lot of food options will be available for users to browse and select from. And after selecting the food he wants, the user could add some comments to the food providers such as special requirements for the food (level of chili, level of ice, level of sugar, etc) and delivery time. The user needs to confirm their orders by clicking the confirm button.

    The system will charge the payment for the ordered food from users’ bank accounts before confirming their orders and submit to the restaurants. If their bank accounts do not have enough funding, the order will be cancelled and the error message “insufficient fund in bank account” will be sent to the user.

    Each user should have a user profile to keep his essential information such as credit card information, contact phone number and the delivery address. Also, the users will be able to edit their profile information at any time they want. Besides, the food providers will be able to add or edit the food information in the system after logging in through a special administrator account.

    Write the written use case “Order food online” for the AAA online food ordering and delivering system.

    Draw a UML Use Case Diagram for the AAA online food ordering and delivering system.

    Draw a UML Sequence Diagram for your answer in Q1(a) use case description of “Order food online” for the AAA online food ordering and delivering system.

    This job recruitment system try to improve the efficiency of recruiting process. The job status can be in opened, on hold after interview, under consideration, and closed. When a new job application is received by the system, the system will first conduct a keyword matching check on the resume to ensure that the candidate has the corresponding skills needed for the job. And only the applications can pass the keyword matching check will be forwarded to the recruiter for review. If the recruiter believes that the candidate is a good fit, he will contact the selected candidate and arrange an interview. After the interview, a post interview report will be generated by the system and forwarded to the manager for the final step decision making process. And along the entire process, all applicants will be notified about their application results regardless if the results are accepted or rejected.

    Draw a UML behavioral state machine diagram to describe the states of the above job recruitment system.

    In the space below, draw a possible class diagram that is consistent with the object diagram in Figure 1. Show the multiplicities on any associations that you draw.

    Refer to the given description of a Project Management Information System below, draw a UML activity diagram with swimlanes to show how it can help to keep track the employees and divisions for various companies to help with their internal management.

    Company A proposed a project to work with Company B. Upon receiving the project proposal from Company A, Company B held a board meeting to decide whether to collaborate with Company A. Company A will start assembling a team from different departments to undertake this project if Board meeting voting from Company B agrees to collaborate with this join project. Firstly, the manager from each department will be notified about the project and asked to select some employees from their own departments who will be available for this project. The availability of an employee depends on their current workload. After the manager decided the list of employees for this project, he will write the notification to those employees and report to his company director.

    Below we give a description of a domain involving a Printing Service System (PSS) from
    School of Computing. Based on the short description below, answer the Questions Q3(a), Q3(b), Q3(c) and Q3(d), and develop a domain model showing major domain concepts, their attributes and associations between concepts. Show also possible generalization relationships. Give your answer as a UML class diagram, on page 10. There may be places where the narrative leaves some ambiguity about aspects of the model; when this occurs, you need to clearly identify a question you would ask the stakeholders to resolve the issue, and then state which answer you have chosen to incorporate into your models (write the question/answer below the text). Also, you need to draw a UML activity diagram of how to “Place a print order” on page 11 for Q3(c); and draw a UML communication diagram which consistent with activity diagram in Q3(c) on page 12 for Q3(d).

    The School of Computing provides students the possibility to print lecture materials, notes and assignments in lab printers. The student should be able to select a type of product (lecture materials, notes and assignments), a desired quantity, and a paper type. In case an assignment has to be printed, additionally the student can choose between hard cover and soft cover. Finally, the student needs to provide a PDF file containing the desired content.
    In order for the student to be able to place a print order, he must be a student in the school. Each student has student name, Student ID number (SID), contact mobile phone, email address and home address. Students need to create a print account before they can use the school print service. The student can create a print account by using their SID and password. Furthermore, his credit card information can be linked to his print account, which is the required information when placing an order.
    Once a student has provided the information for a print order, the system checks if all required information is there, either given in the print order (type of product and quantity), or in the account (SID and payment information). If any information is lacking, the system will inform the student that it needs to be added before the order can be placed. Once all information is presented, the order is placed and the credit card information is sent to the bank for approval. If the bank approves the card payment, the order is finalized.
    The University printing department monitors if sufficient paper and ink stock are present. When the amount of paper or ink is running low, an order must be placed at appropriate supplier (either the paper or ink supplier).
    Q3(a) [2 marks] Questions to ask, and answers you assume:

    Question : should the system store every PDF file in the system
    Answer: the system should save the backup for 3 days and delect

    Draw a UML activity diagram for the Printing Service System (PSS) from School of Computing to handle the “Place a print order” here.

    Draw a UML communication diagram for the Printing Service System (PSS) from School of Computing to handle “Place a print order” below. The diagram must be consistent with the activity diagram in Q3(c).

    Draw a UML sequence diagram for the following written use case which describes how the student drop course in the course management system.

    Q4(a) Draw a UML sequence diagram of a “Drop Course” in the course management system below, it must be consistent with the use case in Figure 2.

    The University of IT is trying to decide the changes for the School of Computer Science to improve the teaching quality. If the student survey results received from the previous semester has got less than 3 out of 5 in Unit of Study Survey (USS) in tutorial comments, the University will consider to hire two tutors per tutorial class for those poor teaching courses. As long as the budget is not exceeded, more tutors will be hired for all the demanded courses based on student survey results. Also, all the courses with less than 30 enrolled students will be considered to cancel if the overall rating of those small classes is below average rating. Finally, only if the changes in proposal are accepted by the University Board will be conducted.
    i. Write down the above policy of the “Teaching Quality Improvement Plan” for the Universtiy of IT in structured English expression.
    ii. Draw the decision tree for the above policy of the “Teaching Quality Improvement Plan” for the Universtiy of IT.

    i. If the student survey results received from the previous semester is less than 3 out of 5 Then
    school will hire two tutors for poor teaching course
    If there is no exceeded budget
    School will hire more
    If the class enrollred less than 30 and below average rating
    Class cancelled
    If University Board accept proposal
    No change

    Please briefly explain the advantages of Scrum methodology when compared with the traditional waterfall methodology and why it is usually preferred in software development projects.

    Scrum is a subset of Agile and is one of the most popular process frameworks for implementing Agile. It is an iterative software development model for managing complex software and product development. Fixed-length iterations can last a week or two, allowing the team to release the software at a regular pace. At the end of each sprint, stakeholders and team members meet to plan the next step.

    Greater transparency and project visibility: Through daily stand-up meetings, the whole team knows who is doing what, eliminating a lot of misunderstanding and confusion. Identify problems in advance so that the team can resolve them before they get out of hand.

    Adapt to change: Short sprints and constant feedback make it easier to cope and adapt to change.
    More cost savings: Continuous communication helps reduce costs and improve quality by ensuring that the team is aware of all problems and changes when they occur. By coding and testing functionality in smaller chunks, feedback is constant and errors can be corrected early before they become too costly to fix.

    The waterfall model is a way of developing software by breaking a project down into limited phases. Development should move to the next phase only when the previous phase has been reviewed and validated. In the waterfall model, the phases do not overlap. In this approach, the sequence of events is as follows: collect and document requirements, design, code and unit tests, perform system tests, perform user acceptance tests (UAT), resolve any issues, and deliver the finished product.



