Animal Farm - Chapter 5

Animal Farm - Chapter 5

作者: 光影里 | 来源:发表于2018-05-09 20:57 被阅读0次


    1. complain of  [If you complain of pain or illness, you say that you are feeling pain or feeling ill. ] she complained of mysterious pains.

    2.pretext -excuse

    [pretext : especially written an untrue reason that you give for doing or not doing something, in order to hide the real reason ] e.g.She said she couldn’t come because she had to work late, but it was just an excuse. 

    [excuse: a reason that you give to explain why you have done something bad, or not done something that you should have done – especially one that is not completely true] e.g. They used this as a pretext for taking military action.

    3.at pains 说“努力”或“辛劳”必须用复数形式 pains,但不一定被当作复数,但只可说much pains 和little pains,不可说many pains 和few pains。much pains 和little pains 也往往被当作复数。 

    at pains(努力)后面接不定式或以 that 引导的从句,take pains 后面接不定式或 in 和动名词或 with 和名词 

    e.g.He was at pains that people should not misunderstand him.(他努力使人们不误解他。)

    They are taking great pains to master English. 

    They are taking great pains in studying English. 

    4.side with side with (someone) : to agree with or support the opinions or actions of (someone) either faction e.g.They betrayed their country and sided with the enemy.

    5. glowing [A glowing description or opinion about someone or something praises them highly or supports them strongly.] In glowing sentences /The media has been speaking in glowing terms of the relationship between the two countries...

    6. utter [ If someone utters sounds or words, they say them.] e.g. utter a high-pitched whimper of a kind no one had ever heard him utter before.

    7.spurt [ If someone or something spurts somewhere, they suddenly increase their speed for a short while in order to get there.]

    8.dismay [ If you are dismayed by something, it makes you feel afraid, worried, or sad.] e.g.He was dismayed to find that his hands were shaking 他惶恐地发现自己的手正在发抖。

    9.rub off [ If someone's qualities or habits rub off on you, you develop some of their qualities or habits after spending time with them.] e.g.I was hoping some of his genius might rub off. 我希望他的才华也可以影响他人。


    1. These two disagreed at every point where disagreement was possible.

    2. ...who had begun bleating again, broke into a passionate appeal in favor of the windmill.

    3. iron discipline 


    The rebellion did not bring happiness to every body, and Mollie could be a good example. She enjoys the life with men. As Napoleon chased out Snowball, animals are dismayed, but also rubbed off by the rhetoric words and intimidation. 



          本文标题:Animal Farm - Chapter 5
