centos 6.6
wmware workstation 14
安装wmwmware workstation
- 赋权
chmod +x VMware-Workstation-Full-14.0.0-6661328.x86_64.bundle - 安装
Extracting VMware Installer...done. You must accept the VMware VIX API End User License Agreement to continue. Press Enter to proceed.
- 按回车接受协议,按空格把协议浏览至结束:
Do you agree? [yes/no]:yes
- 下面就是一路回车到最后安装好,设置虚拟机存放路径:
Path to Eclipse directory for use with Integrated Virtual Debugger (optional):
- eclipse不用装
Do you wish to install the Eclipse C/C++ Debugging plugin? (Requires Eclipse 3.4.0 or higher and must be properly pre-configured. See documentation for details) [no]:
卸载wmware workstation
- 卸载
vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation - 不保留配置文件
All configuration information is about to be removed. Do you wish to keep your configuration files? [no]: no