Quick reminder: trailing commas in object literals are legal in ECMAScript 5, trailing commas in arrays are ignored.
快速提醒:在ECMAScript 5中,对象文字中的尾随逗号是合法的,数组中的尾逗点将被忽略。
[4] In Internet Explorer 8 Object.defineProperty only accepts DOM objects (MSDN reference).
[4]在Internet Explorer 8中,Object.defineProperty只接受DOM对象(MSDN引用)。
[6] In Internet Explorer 8 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor only accepts DOM objects (MSDN reference).
[6]在Internet Explorer 8中,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor只接受DOM对象(MSDN引用)。
[7] Internet Explorer 6 - 8 do not differentiate between a dense array with undefined values, and a sparse array. Specifically, 0 in [,]
and 0 in [undefined]
both yield false - whereas in a compliant browser, the former would give false
, the latter true
. As such, ES5 array iteration methods can only be shimmed reliably when dealing with dense arrays.
[7] Internet Explorer 6 - 8不区分具有 undefined 的密集数组和稀疏数组。具体来说,在[,]中的0和[undefined]
中的0'都产生false - 而在兼容的浏览器中,前者会给出
In computer science, a sparse array is an array in which most of the elements have the default value (usually 0 or null). The occurrence of zero-value elements in a large array is inefficient for both computation and storage. An array in which there is a large number of zero elements is referred to as being sparse.
In the case of sparse arrays, one can ask for a value from an "empty" array position. If one does this, then for an array of numbers, a value of zero should be returned, and for an array of objects, a value of null should be returned.