0825-2016 Microdissection direct

0825-2016 Microdissection direct

作者: weizhp | 来源:发表于2016-08-25 10:17 被阅读0次
    • 12:00 get three slides of one case and two Rnase free PCR tubes out of refrigerator to room temperature, label tubes with 3G for glomeruli and 4T for tubules

    • finish lunch

    • 13:45 go to microscope room with slides, PCR tubes, lysis buffer, pipette, tips, gloves, kim wipe, gabage bag and basket

    • 14:00 start work

      • turn on PC and lauch software
      • turn on laser: anterior, posterior, key
      • unload speciments (pay attention to the direction of slides)
      • unload collectors: PCR tubes with 20ul lysis buffer in the bottom of caps
      • modulate the codition (under no cap)
        camera/set up windows/draw in empty area/select white balance
      • collectors: option/setting/learn by intelligent then the same to modulate next cap
      • draw overview (prefer not to do this for saving time)
      • under no cap (prefer with cap for good identification of the structure)
        • laser setting: power 40/aperture 3/speed 6/pulse frequency 1000 (better testing on intersticial area before using)
        • draw+cut glomeruli into 3G cap in one section
        • draw+cut tubules into 3T cap in one section
        • repeat the sections in one slides
        • repeat in all slides to collect as many targets as possible
    • unload PCR tubes (be careful, not drop out the tissues)

    • unload slides

    • exit software

    • turn off laser: key/posterior/anterior

    • shut down PC

    • switch off electricity

    • cover the microscope

    • cleaning IF necessary

    • sign out the utilising

    • check again

    • take all of my own materials and lock the room

    • when back to lab

      • short spin down the lysis buffer
      • add 80ul lysis buffer to each tube and spin again
      • store in -80 centigrade refrigerator
      • keep lysis buffer in cold room and arrange everything well



          本文标题:0825-2016 Microdissection direct
