2020-08-29 A 103-Year Old Woman

2020-08-29 A 103-Year Old Woman

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2020-08-29 22:38 被阅读0次

    The woman on the tv screen was mesmerizing. My dad and I sat together smiling, hanging onto her every word. She lived on this earth for more than a century, but her face was barely wrinkled. She stood without a hunch. She spoke without any slurred speech or delay. Mentally, she seemed as fit as I am.

    My dad and I smiled with her as the news story came to a close. Then, we had a little discussion about why these two recommendations for longevity were so important.

    1.Eat a Piece of Dark Chocolate Every Single Day

    Your mind may jump immediately to the health benefits of dark chocolate. They’re a powerful source of antioxidants, they may lower blood pressure, they may reduce heart disease risk, and they could improve brain function. But, the 103-year old made it very clear that her advice had nothing to do with nutrition. So why was this important to her?

    So, whether it’s dark chocolate, a gratitude practice, or a daily run, it’s critical to have something you know you can expect every day of your life. It gives you a small win and sense of certainty in such an uncertain world. Commit wholeheartedly to one thing every single day, and this habit will help bring great longevity to your life.

    2. Go to Mass Every Week

    Your mind here may jump to religion. Maybe this woman is promoting her belief in God? Maybe she is a devout Christian? But again, she clearly stated that her secret was not about her religious beliefs. So, what did this one mean?

    Going to mass every week to me is a representation of having faith in something. It’s about having a belief in something greater than yourself that gives you the everlasting will to continue living. It’s something to always look forward to. Whether it’s mass or temple, or mosque, or even a weekly matinee, believing in something so deeply has the power to push you beyond the normal life threshold of those around you.



          本文标题:2020-08-29 A 103-Year Old Woman
