

作者: 飞扬悦读 | 来源:发表于2017-08-11 11:29 被阅读0次

音频:head shoulders knees toes, Peppa Pig Muddy puddles,岳阳楼记,Sitting on the carpet,ring around the roses


2a Unit 1 Sitting on the carpet

2a Unit 2 Ring around the roses


英文绘本:Frog and Toad-A swim,From Head To Toe

分级:海尼曼March to Park、The Little Red Hen、All about Penguin,牛津树An important case



1,Sitting on the carpets

昨晚到家正好老二睡着了,赶紧先陪老大!因为2a刚开始,所以先看了2遍动画,就开始玩了。Baby,Come here! Give me a big hug. 抱抱然后开始游戏。Ok!Let's sit on the carpet. Sitting on the carpet 123, Sitting on the carpet you and me. Alisa,stand up. Yeah ! Alisa,sit down, oh! Alisa is dancing all around the ball.还没有引入Town的概念,慢慢渗透。

2,ring around the roses


Baby,you want to play this game? Yes. Then we need to make some petals first. But what can be made into petals? I see. We can cut some handmade paper into tatters. Ok, let's do it.

Pocket. Where's a pocket? Baby. Where's your straw hat? Let's use your straw hat as a pocket.

Ring around the roses,A pocket full of posies. Ashes Ashes,we all fall down.

Jump around the roses,A pocket full of posies. Ashes Ashes,we all fall down.

Tiptoe around the roses,A pocket full of posies. Ashes Ashes,we all fall down.

百人工程2017年第1期146号Alisa20170810打卡 百人工程2017年第1期146号Alisa20170810打卡


吃完饭读了From Head to Toe以后,跟着做了一遍相应的动作。

裸听Peppa Pig一集,A swim等。游戏需要继续加强。


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