Learner Agency in the early year

Learner Agency in the early year

作者: Anna5娜娜 | 来源:发表于2018-04-18 12:43 被阅读0次


1. The nature of learner agency

Why is learner agency important

2. The mutually benefical relationship between the learner and their environment in “agentic engagement

3.the role of educator

What is the learner agency?

Learner Agency in the early years

What is your ‘image of the child

Learner Agency in the early years

Learner Agency &the PYP

Learner Agency in the early years

Why is learner agency important?

Learner Agency in the early years

What is the reciprocal relationship between the learner and their environment in “agentic engagement ”?

Interrelated aspects of engagement

Learner Agency in the early years

Provide Choice

Learner Agency in the early years

Is co-constructed with the learners

Learner Agency in the early years

“The pre-school child deserves to know why the room is organized the way it is,why there are “choice time “”,and why there are set times for “group meetings”.Relevance begins with the rational for educational choices affecting the school life of the student ”-Heidi Hayes Jacob

Easy access to a range of materials

Learner Agency in the early years

Provides for responsibility and decision making

Learner Agency in the early years

Provides authentic tasks

Learner Agency in the early years

Invitations to play and engage with concepts

Learner Agency in the early years

Open Environment -outdoor environment

Learner Agency in the early years

What is the role of the educator?

I believe a teacher’s task is to stand by children’s sides and with thoughtful invtervention when needed,promote the quality of relations children readily have with things around them and what they are doing ”-Vea Vecchi


Learner Agency in the early years

Honouring student voice

Learner Agency in the early years

Facilitating and supporting

Learner Agency in the early years

Documentation of learning

Learner Agency in the early years

What is our role?

The teacher strives to position students as authors of their learning;to create opportunities for students’ personal interests and experiences to be interwoven 交织,穿插with instruction to advance students’ agency in collective meaning-making and knowledge creation-Kumpulainen&Lipponen,2010

Learner Agency in the early years

Agency&Control-The Creative Struggle

Teachers need to balance their instructional教学support with classroom management,Which also entails 意味着social control of students-McNeil 1986

To resolve 解决these negotiations in generative 生成的way,the teacher and students need to master and creatively overcome a contradiction 矛盾between agency and control-Rainio,2008,2010;Rainio &Hilppo,in press

human agency and structure are not opposed 反对but in fact presuppose 臆断,提前假定 each other;structures shape people’s practices, and conversely 反过来,people’s practices constitute 构成(and reproduce)structure-Sewell,1992

Learner Agency in the early years Learner Agency in the early years



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