Unit1 Part3-Vocabulary:Spatial R

Unit1 Part3-Vocabulary:Spatial R

作者: 相信如一 | 来源:发表于2020-01-30 15:52 被阅读0次

    The man in the middle is the heaviest. 中间的男士体重最重。(比较级、最高级)

    The man in the middle is heavier than the other two. 中间的男士比其余两位男士体重重。

    The woman on the left is smarter than the man on the right. 左边的女士智商比右边的男士高。

    The man isn't as smart as the woman is. 这位男士没有这位女士聪明。

    The woman is standing under the bridge.  这位女士正站在桥下。

    The bridge is above the woman. 这座桥在这个女士上面。

    There is a bridge over the river. 河上面有座桥。

    The river is flowing beneath the bridge. 河水从桥下流过。

    The water is flowing over the waterfull. 水从瀑布上留下。

    The waterfull is very hight and beautiful. 瀑布很高很漂亮。

    Who is standing under the bridge?

    What is over the river?

    People need passport to travel internationally.  国际旅游需要护照。

    Without passport,  you cannot leave your country or enter another country. 没有护照,你不能离开你的国家或去别的国家。

    You need a driver license to drive a car. 开车需要驾照。

    It is against the law to drive without a drive's license. 没有驾照开车是违法行为。

    Many people use credit cards to buy things on credit. 许多人用信用卡赊购东西。

    When you have a credit card,  you don't need to carry cash. 如果你有信用卡,可以不用带现金。

    Smart phones are very useful and can do many things. 智能手机很有用可以做很多事情。

    You can use them to make phone calls, play games or go shopping on the internet.  你可以用它们打电话、玩游戏或者网上购物。

    We need to buy  tickets in order to take a train or watch a sports event.我们乘坐火车或者观看比赛需要购票。

    You can often buy tickets online and sometimes you can get a discount. 你可以网上购票,有时候还能买到打折票。

    What do you  need to travel internationally?

    What do you need to drive a car?

    What can you use to make a phone call?



          本文标题:Unit1 Part3-Vocabulary:Spatial R
