- 配置
greendao {
schemaVersion 1
daoPackage 'com.huahua.testing.greendao.gen'
targetGenDir 'src/main/java'
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'org.greenrobot.greendao'
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.greenrobot:greendao-gradle-plugin:3.2.1'
dependencies {
compile 'org.greenrobot:greendao:3.2.0'
- 代码初始化
// 在Application 类中配置一次
DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper helper =
new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(this, "notes-db", null);
Database db = helper.getWritableDatabase();
DaoMaster daoMaster = new DaoMaster(db);
DaoSession daoSession = daoMaster.newSession();
- 在activities或fragments 使用DAO
NoteDao noteDao = daoSession.getNoteDao();
- 新建实体
// If you have more than one schema, you can tell greenDAO
// to which schema an entity belongs (pick any string as a name).
schema = "myschema",
// Flag to make an entity "active": Active entities have update,
// delete, and refresh methods.
active = true,
// Specifies the name of the table in the database.
// By default, the name is based on the entities class name.
// Define indexes spanning multiple columns here.
indexes = {
@Index(value = "name DESC", unique = true)
// Flag if the DAO should create the database table (default is true).
// Set this to false, if you have multiple entities mapping to one table,
// or the table creation is done outside of greenDAO.
createInDb = false,
// Whether an all properties constructor should be generated.
// A no-args constructor is always required.
generateConstructors = true,
// Whether getters and setters for properties should be generated if missing.
generateGettersSetters = true
public class User {
// Id 用 Long 类型存储
@Id(autoincrement = true)
private Long id;
@Index(unique = true)
private String key;
@Property(nameInDb = "USERNAME")
private String name;
private int repos;
@Transient //临时数据,不存入数据库
private int tempUsageCount;
@Unique //将会隐式的创建一个index
private String school;
@keep //keep标签会保证这段代码不受生成器的影响
School school = new School();
- 更新数据库
同步数据库(有就更新 ,没有就插入)
insertOrReplace (不要用save,并没有用)
- 我明明标了autoincrement , 按理不用传id的, 也确实没传, 还爆not unique的话, 就是踩坑了
GreenDao的主键必须设置成包装类 Long , 大写L
原因就在这里 : 如果主键设置为包装类Long类型, 那么在生成的Dao类中会有一个判断非null才插入
private Long _id;
protected final void bindValues(SQLiteStatement stmt, IdCache entity) {
Long _id = entity.get_id();
if (_id != null) {
stmt.bindLong(1, _id);
stmt.bindString(2, entity.getUser());
但是如果写的是 long, 就无脑写进去了, 也就是说即使不传值,也会insert _id = 0, 于是报异常;
@Id(autoincrement = true)
private long _id;
protected final void bindValues(DatabaseStatement stmt, IdCache entity) {
stmt.bindLong(1, entity.get_id());
stmt.bindString(2, entity.getUser());