

作者: Flannery | 来源:发表于2016-06-27 21:51 被阅读0次
  • confidential adj.机密的
    That matter is so confidential that it must not be discussed outside this office.
  • classified adj.机密的
    This information is classified; only a few top officials can see it.
  • military adj.军事的,军用的
    According to the Constitution of the country, all the young men do a year's military service.
  • martial adj.战争的,军事的;尚武的;威武的
  • navy n.海军
  • armada n.舰队
  • flotilla n.小舰队,小型船队,驱逐舰队
  • fleet n.舰队
    The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit.
  • campaign n.战役(crudsade)vi.作战
  • diplomacy n.外交;外交手段
  • strategy n.策略,战略(tactics)
  • cannon n.大炮,加农炮(ammunition)
  • radar n.雷达
  • morale n.民心;士气
    With no food and water, the soldiers are in low morale.
  • besiege vt.围(enclose);围困;围攻(城堡等)
    The speaker was besieged with questions.
  • blockade n.阻塞vt.封锁
  • expedition n.远征(exploration)
    The explorers started on a year long expedition down the Nile.
  • mission n.使命,任务
    The caught an agent on a secret mission.
  • repulse vt.击退(repel)
    Tom repulsed the attacker by punching him in the stomach.
  • rebuff v.挫败
  • revolt v.反抗,起义,反叛
    The people revolted against their king.
  • rebellion n.谋反,叛乱;反抗
    A rebellion in the officer corps led to chaos in the armed forces.
  • revolution n.革命
    Revolution is both constructive and destructive.
  • insurrection n.起义(revolution)
  • mutiny n.兵变,反抗(insurgence)v.叛变,造反,兵变
  • riot n.暴乱,骚动;(植物,疾病等)蔓延;放荡v.骚乱;放纵,挥霍
    There was a riot when the workers were told they had lost their jobs.
  • envelop vt.包围(besiege, enclose)
    Accompanying the darkness, a stillnes envelops the city.
  • encircle vt.环绕,围绕,包围
    The beast was encircled by a group of hunters.
  • invade vt.侵入,侵略,包围(intrude, agress)
    Before they could attack, they needed to decide upon the plan about how they could invade the country.
  • wreck vt.破坏,拆毁(damage) n.失事
    After the ship wreck, the enemy fleet was in trouble up to the hilt.
  • demolish vt.毁坏,破坏;推翻,粉碎(dismantle, shatter)
  • collision n.碰撞,冲突(crash)
  • debris n.碎片,残害
  • encroach vi.蚕食,侵占(intrude, trespass)
    The reporter encroached on my privacy./ The desert is gradually encroaching the land.
  • exterminate vt.消灭(eradicate, eliminate)
    The landlord exterminated the rats in the cellar.
  • trespass v.侵入(overstep, encroach)
    The farmer said we were trespassing.
  • enlist v.征召,招募(enroll)
    He enlisted as a solider in the army as soon as he was old enough.
  • disarming vt.袭击(assail) n.攻击(attach)
    Mike very unwisely assaulted a police officer.
  • offense n.进攻(attack, onset)
  • defense n.防御;护卫措施
    The enemy finally gave up because of their determined defense.
  • onslaught n.猛烈的攻击(charge)
  • armament n.兵力,军力(arms, munitions)
    Modernisation of armament is thought to be a protection against possible aggression.
  • disarm vt.缴械;消除(敌意)
    The security guard disarmed the robber.
  • neutralize v.使中立化;宣布中立
    To neutralize is to declare neutral in the war and therefore invioable during a war.
  • captivate vt.抓住,捕获(capture, seize)
  • fortress n.堡垒;要塞
  • weapon n.武器(munitions, arms)
    US invaded Irag based on fake intelligence reported that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
  • destruction n.破坏,毁灭
    Pride was her destruction.
  • warfare n.战争,作战,冲突;竞争(conflict, combat)
  • rivalry n.竞争,竞赛;敌对,敌对状态(enmity, opposition)
    During Cold War period, there great rivalry between the US and the USSR.
    We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for future.


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