马步堂 号闲云,上海市人,现为中国现代名家书画协会行楷专业评委主任,苏富比文化艺术发展中心艺术总监,世界华人名家书画专业委员会组委会副主任。自幼酷爱书画,长期浸淫书画,历经多年探索,已然形成自己独特发的书画风格。作品多次参加全国重大展览,并均获金奖,银奖,优秀奖等众多奖项。多幅作品被国内外美术馆、博物馆、大使馆及书画爱好者收藏。
Ma butang xianyun, from Shanghai, is currently the director of the board of judges of the Chinese association of modern famous calligraphers, art director of the Sotheby's center for cultural and artistic development and deputy director of the organizing committee of the professional committee of Chinese famous calligraphers. Since childhood love calligraphy and painting, long-term immersion calligraphy and painting, after years of exploration, has formed their own unique style of calligraphy and painting. Many times the works participated in the major national exhibition, and all won gold awards, silver awards, outstanding awards and other awards. Many works are collected by art galleries, museums, embassies and lovers of calligraphy and painting.