(i) trade in services
(ii) trade in goods
Current account balance in 2003 = 957.9 + (-1090.2) + (-317.4) + 1136.4 = 686.7
Current account balance in 2007 = (-1910.1) + (-367.6) + 449.3 + 1366.6 = -461.8
how change? It worsened by a transform from a current account surplus to current account deficit.
本题考查对current account balance的理解。另外,正数意味着more money flow into the country, surplus;负数意味着more money flow out of the country, deficit。莫忘记题目中问你how about the change? 回答问题。
(i) Comparative advantage is where a country has a lower opportunity cost than another in the production of a good or service.
define the key term precisely.
(ii) In the light of the Central Bank of Swaziland's report, the main exports, as well as the nature of Swaziland's comparative advantage lied in agricultural products, processed agricultural products or basic manufactural goods. The basis might be suitable growing conditions (land), simple technology (capital) and cheap labour.
To increase the export revenue, the depreciation of a country's currency should reduce the price of exports first. While the price falls, the volume of exports will increase. Only by price elastic demand, can it confirm an increase in the export revenue.
When the EU banned imports of Swaziland's beef, Swaziland should retaliate by the use of tariff because this may exert pressure on the EU to remove the protectionism. Meanwhile, this may raise tax revenue for the government. And the rising price of exports will make domestically produced products more price competitive and therefore encouraging import substitution and also improve trade position. This is also helpful to improve Swaziland's employment in the short run.
However, retaliation may cause retaliation by the EU. The EU may be a very important trade partner for Swaziland. In that case, the retaliation may not work. The use of tariff may also raise the inflationary pressure for Swaziland.
In conclusion, Swaziland may adopt a strategy based on its own position and current situation. Since the EU is such an important partner for it, Swaziland may try to take the form of consultation and negotiation to come to an agreement with the EU for win-win cooperation.
Discuss题目考查学生的critical thinking, 需要从正反(benefits and drawbacks) 两面出发,给出结论。