

作者: Ceeeeeeeee呀 | 来源:发表于2017-10-01 09:46 被阅读60次


1.Boblin: “Drink, Hellscream. Claim your destiny. You'll all be conqerors. And what, Gul'dan, must we give in return? Everything. 我来这里找一个人。 ”(截到32‘’+10‘’)

2.Sophie LIU: " I saw a rose blooming in defiance of the cold, reaching for it, I pricked her finger, and three drops of blood fell. And because the red seemed so alive against the white, If only I had a child as white as snow, lip as red as blood, hair as black as a raven's wings, and all with the strength of that rose. 我来这里找一个人。"(截取17‘’-47‘’)

3.Eason WANG: "What am I doing with my life? I'm so pale, I should get out more. I should eat better. My posture is terrible. I should stand up straighter. I wish I could introduce myself, but I don't remember my name anymore. I mean, I think it started with an R, but that's all I have left. 我来这里找一个人。"(截取前8’‘+34’‘-40’‘+10’‘)

4.Joy:"Um, hi! My name is Kiki and I'm a witch. And this is Gigi, he's my black cat. And we'd be honored if we could live here. Your city is so amazing and what a beautiful clock tower. 我来这里找一个人。"(20’‘+10’‘)

5.Michael XU:"There are those who wear masks to hide, and those who wear masks, to show us what they stand for. To inspire, to unite, to define, to strike fear in the haerts of their enemies, and hope in the hearts of their followers. There are those who wear masks to protect themselves. And there are those who wear masks, to protect us all.我来这里找一个人。"(1‘01’‘+10’‘)


合: “The man who passes a sentence, should swing the sword——.Joy

I've won every battle, but I'm losing this war——Eason WANG

Show them how it feels. To lose what they love——Sophie LIU

Everyone is mine to torment——Michael XU

The long night is coming, and the dead come with it.——.Boblin”



(二)Eason WANG:人都齐了吗?

Sophie LIU:齐了。(环顾整个场子)

Michael XU:好,今晚我们要找一个人,他就在这儿。


Sophie LIU:记不清了,但是我记得他会跳舞。( cos上)


(报中文名英文名 SHOW TIME以下每个环节重复)



Eason WANG:不对不对这模样不对,我还记得啊他很有趣儿,他会rap和演小品。


Sophie LIU:得,再捆上来我瞅瞅,你叫什么?(依次问人名)


Michael XU:还是不对,唉,今晚辛苦你们帮我找啦,我准备了些酒和零嘴,你们去吃就是。南瓜灯那儿有十一个灯谜,我记得他挺聪明,说不定你们把那十一个灯谜猜中后人就找到了。






Michael XU:我们该怎么衡量Gala Party精彩度呢?

Sophie LIU:节目的专业程度够高?气氛够嗨?笑点够多?还是参与度够强?


Eason WANG:如果舞蹈没那么淋漓尽致、小品不那么好笑、歌声没那么悠扬、灯光没那么精准,Party就不精彩了吗?

Michael XU:当然不了,其实真正打动人的还在人心:我们所有头马人借这个平台紧紧汇成一股力量,相亲相爱互相温暖。

合:One More Possibility,济南峰会,有你就好!




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