作者: 一口特立独行的井 | 来源:发表于2020-01-12 10:59 被阅读0次

I think we'd better speak English, because I can't understand Finnish at all.I really like the ice and snow.I received the picture you sent. It's really beautiful. I need to learn geography at school, so I am very interested in these natural scenes.When I received your letter, I was preparing to enter the school and start a new week of study, but I was about to have a class, and I did not find a translation tool, so I just replied now.The mid-term exam is really a headache. He has made all the students half dead.I don't play well every time, but I can learn from it and prepare for the next time.I hope that next year, I will have a chance to be rated as an excellent student.As for my English level, I think it's still not enough. I am reading a book about socialism recently. It can give me cultural confidence and help me to get rid of my study fatigue.

wish you good health and all the best

Kiitoksia kirjeestäsi. Vaikka olet käyttänyt Baibu kääntäjää kirjoittaessasi kirjettä, niin ymmärsin kyllä kaikki melkein 100 prosenttisesti ja loput pystyin ymmärtämään "rivien välistä".

Voin jo paljon paremmin ja luulen, että minulla ei ole enään kuumetta!

Hienoa, että voit opiskella rauhassa omassa huoneessasi ja voit keskittyä kunnolla opintoihisi.

Paikka koulun urheilukokouksessa on hieno asia ja vaikka vähätteletkin itseäsi, että olet huono urheilussa, niin kolmiloikan kolmas sija kertoo kyllä jostakin ihan muusta, eli olet myös hyvin urheilullinen.

Vaikka Kiina on hyvin laaja maa ja jossa on paljon nähtävää, niin oletko päässyt vielä matkailemaan ulkomailla? Oletko saanut kunnolla testata englanninkielen taitoasi, koska minusta vaikuttaa siltä, että olet hyvin taitava myös siinä?

Ok, nyt minun täytyy lopettaa. Laitan vielä liitteenä kuvan, jonka otin juuri äsken olohuoneen ikkunasta.

Terveisiä täältä Napapiiriltä, Juha!

3.11.2019 4.06 *星影* <2518756738@qq.com> kirjoitti:

En osaa suomea ollenkaan, joten käytän Baidu käännöstä.Tällä tavalla, en tiedä onko mitään sanoja, jotka eivät ilmaise aikomustani.(naura)

Olen pahoillani kuullessani, että olet sairas.Et ole ollut sairas kymmeneen vuoteen. Näytät hyvin terveeltä. Sen t äytyy johtua voimistelusta tavallisina aikoina.Sairaus ei ole hyvä asia, ja toivon, että paranet pian.Kyllä, minulla on yksityinen huone. Minusta

on paljon tehokkaampaa tehdä läksyjä koulussa kuin kotona.Kun otamme collegen sisäänpääsykoe, meidän täytyy ottaa kolme aihetta paitsi kiina, matematiikka ja Englanti.Nyt minua vaivaa matematiikka.Tämän vuoden collegen pääsykokeessa on matikan ongelma, joka

on Venuksen pituuden löytäminen.Oppilaat ovat siis yleensä voimattomia tässä asiassa.

Toinen asia, josta pitää olla iloinen, on se, että sain paikkani koulun urheilukokoukses

Dear uncle:

Although I don't know what happened, it's a pity that I didn't receive your email last time.

I love Chinese culture and am very interested in studying it just like uncle love your country.As the saying goes, national spirit is the spiritual link to maintain national development.I think learning traditional culture is good for me to cultivate and inherit

this spirit.

Does uncle know about our college entrance examination system? Now it's the new college entrance examination mode, but it can't stop me from choosing liberal arts. And i hope to continue to study it in University.But its score line is not low, so I will continue

to work hard.

Unlike students in the mainland, children's after-school life in the coastal areas seems to be more colorful.Especially after high school, the school carried out many activities that I had not been exposed to before.I have to say it's a good way to get rid

of the pressure of study.

For example, the radio direction finding training every Tuesday afternoon can run around the school and find the source of signal transmission.It's really tiring and brain testing. No wonder people say it's a game of running a marathon and playing chess at

the same time.In addition, I have participated in famous book reading competition, science fiction creation competition and bridge model competition.I don't get awards very often, but I really enjoy the process.

Hi dear niece!

I was happy to receive your email. My English is not that good, so I use Google Translate to help.

A lot had happened since we left Finland on 15.10. By that time it was winter, the green lawn had a white snow cover, and even the frost was - 10 degrees.

Now is Saturday night as I write this letter. Immediately after arriving in Finland I got the flu. I still have 38.3 degrees of fever and every one of my muscles is sore. My dear wife has treated me to the best of my ability. She has made me a hot drink, massaged

me and also cups. I haven't had a fever for over ten years so it feels pretty hard.

Did I understand that you were studying at boarding school and could not get home until the weekend. Do you have a private room that you can study in peace.

It seems that studying in China is taken very seriously. Do you still know how many years your studies will take and whether your career choice is still clear.

I wish you success in your studies.

Will continue to write!

Best regards, uncle!


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