When I took plane by myself, I got to wrong department gate. Undoubtedly, I pass up the plane I should have take. To tell the truth, every time I think the thing so far, I will regret the money I pay. Aha.
Indeed, taking plane need more complicated procedures than other way. When you check in, the attendant will ask us show our passport, ticket and airport-tax receipt. And we have done that, she will weigh our luggage. If it is overweight, unfortunately, we must pay extra fee. The procure is so complicated that we must to get the airport at least two hours before the plane is scheduled to take off.
Since it is complicated and time-consuming and the tax is also expensive, how come people want to take plane ? Well, in fact, I think the kind of transportation is more suitable for people who need to reach a distant destination. It can save more time than other ways.