2020年,千里之行始于足下,从mini habits入手,行动起来。
1. 苏培成,《怎样使用标点符号》(增订本) 评价:必读。写作的一大难点就是用对、用好标点符号。鉴于本书需要一字一句地啃并在写作遇到疑点时回看以自查,应视同于字典。建议留纸质版。
2. 刘慈欣,《三体》 系列(全三本) 评价:“宇宙社会学”启蒙教程。
3 刘未鹏,《暗时间》 评价:自学、读书、写作与深度思考的实战方法集。
4 杨伯峻,《论语译注》 评价:《论语》是国学必读书,而本书是学习《论语》的入门经典。
5 路遥,《平凡的世界》 评价:饱含深情、朴实平凡的小人物全景人生路。
6 程永新,《一个人的文学史》 评价:编辑与作家们的书信值得一读。
7 方柏林,《知识不是力量》评价:作为双语教育者、译者,对中美教育进行反思。
8 刘墉,《面对人生的美丽与哀愁》 评价:直面人生的忧伤与幽暗,做一个善良正直的人。
9 山下英子(日本),《断舍离》《断舍离:心灵篇》《断舍离:瑜伽篇》 评价:改变我人生的动禅。时时常实践,如流水不腐。
1. Stephen Guise, Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results 评价:pragmatic and instructive (Book of the Year)
2. Pronunciation Pairs 评价:unexpectely interesting, particularly the dialogues
3 Tuesdays with Morrie 评价:The prose gives the impression of being raw. But on closer inspection it is refined.
4 William Zinsser, On Writing Well 评价:A must-read for anyone who writes, regardless of language.
5 Ship or Sheep 评价:A classic introductory textbook on British accent.
6 Slangman Guide to Street Speak 1 & 2 评价:an unusual perspective to approach American spoken English, livening up your study
7 The Alchemist 评价:“Get out of your head and get into your heat. Think less, feel more. ” Follow your heart.
8 Whaddaya Say: Guided Practice in Relaxed Speech 评价:an easy-to-use textbook on the most common reduced forms in spoken English
9 Jazz Chants + Small Talk 评价:The chants fuel your appetite for the rhythm and intonation patterns of spoken American English.
10 Learn English with Funny Jokes 评价:There is no shortage of humorous moments to savor. Puns and stereotypes feature heavily.
11 English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S. 评价:a can't-miss on American culture and customs
12 E. B. White, Here is New York 评价:a love letter to the city
13 The Courage to Be Disliked 评价:How to live earnestly here and now? Accept yourself and have the courage to change the things you can.
14 Maye Musk, Make A Plan 评价: Live dangerously and carefully. Make a plan.
15 Business English Vocabulary Builder(Eric笔记版) 评价:a "side dish" to serve with the "main dish"--Speak Better Business English and Make More Money
16 Speak Better Business English and Make More Money 评价:a clever collection of business buzzwords
17 Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry 评价:“No man is an island; every book is a world. ” We read and write to love and to connect.
18 Speak English Like an American 评价:“Idioms add color to the language.”
19 Nonviolent Communication 评价:NVC is a way of communicating that leads us to give from the heart.
20 Conversationally Speaking 评价:An actionable guide to effective communication.
1. Tout au bout des rêves, A2 评价:记述一家三口的心路成长历程,经典词句比比皆是。(le livre de l'année)
2. Le collège fantôme (共读) 评价:与同学们共读,靠自己一天天啃下来,觉得收获大。
3 Phonétique progressive du français 评价:每天学一堂新课,复习上一课,点滴进步,提高弱读和连读。
4 Couleurs de l'incendie 评价:由Claire老师带读,如同攀登高峰,过程艰辛但登顶后风光无限。这是目前为止我读过的难度最大的法语原版书,堪称女性版《基督山伯爵》。
1 现象级英语(社群)
2 法语B1 (Claire老师)
自备教材 + 带读 To Kill A Mockingbird
1 少吃加工食品
2 不饿不吃
1 现象级英语(全年)
2 法语B1-B2 (全年,报名相关课程)
3 档案类培训(短期,报名)
4 Python软件培训(短期,等档案类工作结束后启动)
我的三个单词:sagesse, succès, confiance