the art of communication

the art of communication

作者: YiliaNi | 来源:发表于2017-01-22 00:04 被阅读0次

communication is really an art.People who are good at talking is usually popular. i have a workmate who came to my company at the same time with me.to be honest,sometimes i admire her because of her EQ.However, i am the last one who are good at this.but i still learning and i am on the road.from what i observed,i I summarized the following points.

firstly,we should have a right attitude.it is always important to show sincere to others.is't the fundation.But there is some skills that can help us to get along with others better.for example,when we talk with others,we should creat a relaxed atmosphere.it's crucial to make others feel relaxed.Then we have to become  smarter to find good talking topics that both are interested in.or u can become a pistachio nuts that make others happy.last but not leate,take care of others'feeling.even good friends,we should take care of their feelings.They are the ones who should be protected And cared.they are not ur trash can.

do it with ur heart,And u will get the feedback


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