〖美剧英语笔记〗5. Meeting Old friends 会

〖美剧英语笔记〗5. Meeting Old friends 会

作者: QSW泽 | 来源:发表于2019-02-17 22:28 被阅读0次

1. Just acquaintances 偶遇熟人

1-1. High Maintenance 众口难调 / Season 3 / Episode 1 (09:10-10:05)

- Yo. What's up, man?
- Hey. How are you?
- I'm doin' good, man. Good to see you.
- It's been a while.
- Man, I can't even remember the last time I saw you.
- I think it was...You were with a guy from Kentucky on a motorcycle.
- Right.
- Yeah, man.
- Dude, you and your wife were here, camping in a tent on the lawn.
- Oh yeah. Good memory.
- What's up, man? How are you?
- You know, I mean, I'm growing in the Berkshires now.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- Goddamn, I keep forgetting Massachusetts is legal, and, like, right there.
- It's fucking crazy, dude. I mean, I spent years smoking Berg-schwag, but this past year, I've been supplying him with the kindest bud you ever saw.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- You know, maybe I should get your number. I'm always looking for, like, uh, someone to hang out with.
- For sure. I know what you mean.

Words and expressions:
1)偶遇熟人打招呼 What's up/ How are you?/ Good to see you.
2)好久不见了 It's been a while. / I can't even remember the last time I saw you.
3)叙旧(不那么熟的人总要回忆一下。。。)过去时描述就可以,适当回应个Good memory.
4)问问最近在做什么 现在进行时
5)进一步联系对方,交换联系方式 maybe I should get your number. I'm always looking for someone to hang out with.
6)For sure. 必须的
7)I know what you mean. 懂

2. Invitation

2-1. High Maintenance 众口难调 / Season 3 / Episode 3

- Speaking of upstate, when am I gonna meet the enchantress of the Hudson Valley that I've heard so much about?
- Well, I'm going up this weekend. Wanna come?
- I would love to, but I can't. I'm hosting a drifter this weekend.
- Oh, no.

Words and expressions:
1)谈到~我什么时候能~?Speaking of upstate, when am I gonna...
2)我这周末要去,你来吗  I'm going up this weekend. Wanna come?
3)我很想去,但是不能(没时间去)I would love to, but I can't.


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      本文标题:〖美剧英语笔记〗5. Meeting Old friends 会
