The Office-S02E18

The Office-S02E18

作者: carrie_yu | 来源:发表于2020-04-10 03:39 被阅读0次


nasty 讨厌的

partition 隔开,划分,隔板

stone colf fox 一个女装品牌(Michael这里提到这个牌子指的是大黑的女儿已经长大了的意思?)

frat:a college fraternity. "a frat party" 大学里的兄弟会之类的??

got suspended from school means that a student cannot attend school (for a certain period of time depending on what they did) due to disobeying the school's code of conduct or if wrongful acts were committed.

shred 切碎

conductor 指挥者,领导者,讲解员

fishy:1. relating to or resembling fish or a fish. "a fishy smell" 鱼腥味 2. arousing feelings of doubt or suspicion. "I'm convinced there is something fishy going on"

Macchiato(意大利语)音译为玛奇朵,是一种咖啡的泡法. 在被誉为"咖啡之魂"的特浓咖啡Espresso上盖上薄薄的热奶泡来保持它的温度(百度)。玛琪雅朵咖啡,也称为玛琪雅朵浓缩咖啡,是一种使用少量牛奶或奶泡加上浓缩咖啡制作而成的咖啡饮料。玛奇雅朵的意思是“标记”、“烙印”或“染色”,因此玛琪雅朵咖啡的字面意思是以牛奶来上色的浓缩咖啡。传统上,玛琪雅朵咖啡是以一杯浓缩咖啡,上面加上大约一茶匙牛奶,让牛奶浮在咖啡表面作为点缀装饰(维基)。

sniff around her(大黑骂temp的时候说的)原意是闻,意译应该是围着她身边转

ere:before (in time). "we hope you will return ere long" 

corn husk 玉米外面那层皮

sawmill 锯木厂

cut it out 消停一下

boost up:To give a helpful lift up to someone, either physically or emotionally. This phrasal verb means to lift someone up to reach a higher point. This can be physically, if someone cannot reach something, or emotionally, if someone needs a boost, or increase, in confidence or morale.

boost yourself up:翻过去(翻墙,翻窗之类的)


a blast from the past: something forcefully nostalgic. "a request for a real old blast from the past"

without further ado. Also, without more ado. Without more work, ceremony, or fuss. For example, Without further ado they adjourned the meeting and went home, or And now, without more ado, here is our speaker of the day. This idiom has one of the few surviving uses of the noun ado, meaning “what is being done.” 我猜大概就是“废话不多说,我们现在就开始吧”之类的意思??

legit 合法的

Latchkey kid:钥匙儿童(钥匙儿童是指常常一个人回家或在家、缺少家长监督的儿童;这些儿童的父母往往是工作到比较晚,因此他们经常放学后回到空无一人的家中。)

whiny sound:1. having a drawn-out, high-pitched, unpleasant sound. "he speaks in a whiny, childish voice" 2. having a complaining tone. "without wanting to sound whiny, it's quite hard work"

play the field:indulge in a series of sexual relationships without committing oneself to anyone. 

notch on one's bedpost :A sexual conquest; a casual sexual partner.




  • The Office-S02E18

    这集乱七八糟的小词比较多,我最烦这些小词了,感觉很怪异 nasty 讨厌的 partition 隔开,划分,隔板 ...


      本文标题:The Office-S02E18
