Debugging with IntelliJ

Debugging with IntelliJ

作者: Su9527 | 来源:发表于2023-08-17 11:13 被阅读0次

If you're working with IntelliJ, you can debug the app straight from the IDE by adding the appropriate configuration, as follows:

  1. Select "Edit Configurations" from the "Run" menu (or from the dropdown in the top right toolbar).
  2. Click on the + sign to add a new Configuration.
  3. Select "Attach to Node.js/Chrome".
  4. Add a descriptive name like "Debugger" in the Name field, leave default values elsewhere.
  5. Make sure you see the project directory under "Remote URLs" before saving the config.
  6. With your server running, select your new configuration and click on the Bug icon.

Once the debugger has connected to the server, you can make a request form your browser and IntelliJ will pause execution on any breakpoints you add.

More details on this can be found on JetBrain's documentation.

Refer to: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/run-debug-configuration-node-js-remote-debug.html



      本文标题:Debugging with IntelliJ
