ballpark figure 大概的数字
could you give me a ballpark figure(常)/number?
figure 美语读音 [ˈfɪɡjər]
英 [ˈfɪɡə(r)]
nachos na 不能太短
if you guys/ hey guys 模仿类似的语调
if you guys don't stop picking about me, there won't be any chance for our friendship.
如果你们还不停止瞎逼逼, 咱们之间的友谊将万劫不复/从此友谊的小船就翻了。
diet 词内连读 j
权衡你的选择:weight their options
to be or not to be
come in handy 有用的;派上用场
I'm relocating a new place. 我打算换个地方
搬家:move; relocate
notice 通知
advance notice 房东让你搬家,得提前30天通知
30 days notice
let you off the hook 放人一马
be careful: this could be a hidden extra. The biggest advantage to renting is that if anything goes wrong, you're off the hook---it's the landlord's responsibility to fix it.
you're off the hook 脱身;放一马
let you off the hook
the cop let me off the hook
停顿;强调, yeah
夸张, 停顿,念长点(the yard
Yeah(停顿), that was the upside. The neighborhood is away from the city, so the yard(长) was beautiful. But here's the downside: there wasn't a subway anywhere near the place! It would take forever to get to work.
upside 好的方面
downside 不好的方面
non-verbal communication
interjection 感叹词
eh? huh? "What?"
hah heh "Funny."
haha "Funny!"
oh "I see"
oops "I didn't mean to do that"
yeah "Yes!"
laundry room 洗衣房
固定说法 laundromat [ˈlɔndrəˌmæt] :自助洗衣店
proverb [ˈprɑːvɜːrb]
what's that old proverb? 那句老话怎么说来着?
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行,始于足下
if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
what would I zap my popcorn?
what if I want to make my own popcorn?
there weren't any appliances 没有电器
refrigerator; fridge [frɪdʒ]
air conditioner 空调
the kids couldn't easily walk to a friend's house细节 walk 读长
bills, bills, bills 重复三遍的语气 ; 重要的事情说三篇
pronouncation, pronouncation, pronouncation 发音,发音,发音
on the house 免单
drive someone up the wall 让人抓狂
drive someone crazy
bring down the house 赢得满堂喝彩
standing ovation (演讲或表演结束后观众的) 起立鼓掌
ovation 美[oʊˈveɪʃn] 热烈鼓掌 n
she brought down the house 她赢得满堂喝彩
she was given a standing ovation [ˈstændɪŋ oʊˈveɪʃn] 全场起立鼓掌
Man, you did good job that's owesome
I went from rags to riches
checking account 借记账户,日常存取使用(活期)
savings account 储蓄账户, 大额存款 (定期)
Debit Card 借记卡
over-draft 透支
overdrawn 已透支
I finally did it. I opened a bank account yesterday
句型 so now that....., I guess you'll be Ving....
so now that you have a bank account, I guess you'll be buying a new car 将来进行时,状态 that you 连读
so now that you have finished this course, I guess you'll be scoring 9 in IELTS.
so now that you have a car, I guess you'll be buying a house.
don't get carried away 别太嘚瑟;别上头;别在那瞎想;还真觉得自己真行了;夸你几句,别飘了;别太激动,容易冲动,意气用事
don't let something into your head
sth 一般是成功
don't let the success into your head 别嘚瑟;别还真觉得自己真行了;别觉得自己牛了
don't get big headed 脑子不要大了
check, check, check
place to live? check
new job? check
找男朋友 高 富 帅
A: is he tall?
B: tall? check
A: is he rich?
B: rich? check
A: is he handsome?
B: handsome? check
English? Check 考完了
Math? Check 考完了
X down, YY to go
3 down, 2 to go
paycheck 工资
payday 收获日;发工资的日子
outsmart /outfox 以智力胜过(或超过);
The long lines at bank's drive-thru will tell you that Friday is the traditional payday. But you can outsmart people in line.
a takeaway restaurant, bank, etc designed so that customers can use it without leaving their cars
outsmart 用更好的方式来占据一些优势
outfox 你狡猾,我比你更狡猾
Ving 动词ing
I really love my new job! It feels great to be bring home the bacon!
字面意思,把培根带回家,就是说 自己可以养活自己的感觉 太棒了,不用朝爹妈爹妈要钱的感觉太好了
do 公司发工资; 咱们公司今天要结算,发工资
most companies do payroll
twice a month 连读ce a
thirtieth 美 [ˈθɜːrtiəθ] tiə 中间有个连读 j, 同diet [ˈdaɪət]