0X00 leetcode 做了 3 道
- leetcode 87. Scramble String
- leetcode 1. Two Sum
- leetcode 536. Construct Binary Tree from String
0X01 每道题的小小总结
87. Scramble String
class Solution:
def isScramble(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> bool:
# 区间型动态规划
# 按长度去写
if len(s1) != len(s2): return False
if s1 == s2: return True
m = len(s1)
dp = [[[False for _ in range(m+1)] for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(m)]
# len 1
for x in range(m):
for y in range(m):
dp[x][y][1] = s1[x] == s2[y]
for l in range(2, m+1):
# 长度 - 长度要注意!
# 长度 - 长度 一般要加 1
for x in range(m - l + 1):
for y in range(m - l + 1):
for k in range(1, l):
if dp[x][y][k] and dp[x+k][y+k][l-k]:
dp[x][y][l] = True
if dp[x][y + l - k][k] and dp[x+k][y][l-k]:
dp[x][y][l] = True
return dp[0][0][m]
dp[i][j][k] 代表着 s[i:i+k] 和 s[j:j+k] 是不是 Scramble String
所有的子串对中有一个子串对满足 Scramble String 那该串就是 Scramble String
1. Two Sum
class Solution:
def twoSum(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
m = {}
for idx, n in enumerate(nums):
if n not in m: m[n] = [idx]
else: m[n].append(idx)
reset = target - n
if reset in m:
if reset == n:
if len(m[n]) > 1: return [m[n][0], m[n][1]]
else: continue
return [m[n][0], m[reset][0]]
536. Construct Binary Tree from String
我*** 这个题
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
class Solution:
def str2tree(self, s: str) -> TreeNode:
if s == "": return None
def construct(x, y):
if x > y: return None
idx = s.find("(", x, y)
if idx == -1:
root = TreeNode(s[x:y])
return root
root = TreeNode(s[x:idx])
stack = []
rightIdx = y
for i in range(idx, y):
if s[i] == "(":
elif s[i] == ")":
if len(stack) == 0:
rightIdx = i
root.left = construct(idx+1, rightIdx)
root.right = construct(rightIdx+2, y-1)
return root
return construct(0, len(s))