Day7 复盘

Day7 复盘

作者: Betterlily | 来源:发表于2017-04-09 21:16 被阅读0次

    1.hear from接到某人电话来信的意思

    Learn from是获知获悉

    Know from可以表达获得但是味道不大对

    Hear of是听说

    Hear of something from someone这个是和hear from someone不一样的

    2.怎么客套:I am interested in joining your research team,Dependson how you would like the relationship to go about.

    3.Tips for Writing a Follow-Up Thank You Letter

    Consider sending an email. If time is of the essence, send your follow-up letter via email, with your name and "thank you" in the subject line of the message.

    Express your enthusiasm. Emphasize your enthusiasm for the job. This is your final chance to tell the employer that you believe you are a good fit for the job.

    Include anything you forgot. If you forgot to share an important related experience, or some other valuable piece of information, this is a good place to do so. You might also clarify anything from the interview if you feel you did not make a strong first impression in the interview.

    Edit, edit, edit. Whether you send the note by mail or by email, be sure to read through the message carefully before sending it. You are still trying to make a strong impression, so a professional, well written letter is key.


    Hi Kevin,

    Goodday. Watched the game last night? Awesome play of Dallas, ha? (这句应该怎么应用完全取决于你们的关系模式,别生搬硬套奥)

    Justtrying to check in with you regardingwhere

    we are on (where we are真的就是很地道的描述“我们做到哪一步了”的地道英语说法)that project Jany(is this really a name?) leftto us last week. Quite a big load to sort out 20 subsidiary companies’disposable assets before this Friday, isn’t it?(表示和对方同一阵线,这工作确实难做))Had to put aside some client files

    to get this thing done(取决于你的气质和性格路线以及你们的关系,事情的情形和态势,选择善意示弱效果可能更胜过强催).Anyway, I have gonethrough the first half of the cluster(你的部分就是那堆数据的前一半,但不用”my part”,因要对自己保持一点距离哈哈,同时也提醒了对方,你的任务是后面的那一半,in case对方忘记了或者弄混了,低级错误很容易发生)and attached it here for your review. Also I am thinking(I am thinking比I think会更柔和,更有商量的意味)it will be good to leave two days’ time for revision before

    turning it over to Jany, just in case the integration of our works calls for

    some major overhaul(细雨无声地低调建议“早完成以防拖延带来的各种来不及”的这样一个做事角度). That means, I better start merging the two parts this evening(把对别人的要求转化成对自己的要求的角度来提,同时也激励对方来考虑你的情形,帮助你,而不是被你催的不得不交作业--两种完全不同的心理状态), so do you think you would be able to send me your piece and your

    comments on mine by 5 pm today?(但是需要对方配合什么还是准确无误地提出,看起来好像有得商量,实际没得商量,因为前提是你们早就说好了要今天下午汇总-没说好的话这么提要求就很突然而且正因为对方迟了你才在这里绞尽脑汁字斟句酌地保护玻璃心,但你说得好像你刚刚想到要这样做似的,而且让对方感觉这样做会有超常发挥的效果–留了两天做修改呢,可能很多人都是最后一天才做完,于是语气更motivating一点,因为deadline是吓唬人来加速干活,而优秀的可能性则能激励人们加速干。同时你也没有留什么余地给对方拖延或者含糊地拒绝,因为你设了一个deadline,同时口气是明确的– firm

    but gentle)? I might just bring

    the work home(又回到自己的苦上了,这样能够tone down你刚才的强势要求,同时也让对方更愿意出于不拖你后腿的目的而重视这件事).

    Give me a shout for any glaring error you might see in my documentso I can quickly fix it while I have you here.如果你真的是那种会出大问题的人,哈哈,那还是不要用这句话示弱了,让人以为你爱用别人的时间检查你的作业。譬如你真的是那种不好好检查自己作文的人,那千万别对笃师这样讲。。一切自然的优雅表达都建立在一颗无愧的良心上,而无愧的良心来自于热诚透彻的工作和积极正面的心态。






          本文标题:Day7 复盘
