
作者: Jenna_King | 来源:发表于2018-08-10 19:28 被阅读0次

    Is there any kind of friend that you want to talk with under the sun? or whether you guys still have this until now? I think each of us could have one or two even more friends like this. But whether you met them from beginning and you do like this? Is that means you could talk about everything when you met at the first time but after days or you guys have some experience then you cut the relationship and start to regret what you said in the past? That’s the people relationship and also we need to keep shut and to know what we can say or what we should say. I met the guy at my part-time job. In the beginning, we talk about everything we can but after some days I find out that guy is not quite good since he treats the people in the different ways before he stands in front of people. And also say things about other people behind their backs. Then I start to think why people like this. And why they always show your true heart. yes, that’s the reason why people say we need to be careful to make the friend with because they may put you in some dangerous situations and also you couldn’t control what they will say and will do. So my dears, we only do what we say and only say what we do. Never make them bigger or smaller to cheat others then the god will bless you, I believe.



