1. 释义:to suddenly become better, more advanced etc than people or organization that were previously better than you
2. 理解:"leapfrog"既可以作名词,又可作动词,作名词它的本意是“跳马游戏、跳山羊游戏”,动词本意就是跳山羊这个动作,也常常引申为“突然超越、蹿至、一跃超过”。这种引申的用法在外刊很常见,恰当使用leapfrog可以让我们的表达更形象、生动、准确。
句式:Thanks to a happy combination of A and B, C may be able to leapfrog ahead not only once but twice, skipping both D, often, E.
3. 应用:
David leapfrogged his classmates and obtained his bachelor's degree within just two and a half year.
2) 造句:
He leapfrogged his competitors and get the job.(求职成功)