feature in 出现

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-01-08 16:26 被阅读14次

title: featured in
date: 2019-01-08 16:15:19
NO_sents: 32
NO_references: 20

featured in

  • Daniel Weeks is responsible for the software implementing the APM method of linkage analysis featured in Chapter 6. (Lange, 2002)
  • Uniform site conditions are 47 featured in a much smaller area, and where the best sites on a hillside might be on a bench toward the upper end of the slope. (Kabrick et al., 2007)
  • These and other exhibits with similar themes offer clear and consistent messages as they travel to various international destinations. are heavily featured in many media offerings including television specials, newspaper articles, and online blogs. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • And, the Census served as inspiration for artists around the world, from everything from sculptors to painters to cartoonists, including being featured in the syndicated cartoon Sherman's Lagoon and the long-running cartoon Mark Trail. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Marine phytoplankton are rarely featured in discussions about plant conservation; however, recent research indicates that the conservation of these marine organisms should be included in the agenda. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • ''Raggies'' are relatively docile, adapt well to captivity, and are often featured in public aquaria. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • The classic example of this is the panda used by WWF, but tigers, elephants, whales, great apes, and other charismatic species are also featured in publicity material about conservation because they are appealing to the public. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • This helps them to meet their greater quantitative food requirements when food is sparse Apart from a few calves, elephants, rhinos, and hippos hardly featured in predator kills recorded in the Kruger National Park (Owen-Smith and Mills, 2008). (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Parents with a regional origin and adaptation (regional parents ZLR1, MRL15, ZLR2, Macia and IMDP97) featured in 15 of the crosses with positive better parent heterosis for grain yield and in 20 of the 36 crosses with positive better parent heterosis for head length. (Makanda et al., 2010)
  • PSMC and its successors have been used to 82 infer the demographic histories and split times of many human populations (Li and Durbin 2011; 83 Kidd et al 2012; Schiffels and Durbin 2014; 1000 Genomes Project Consortium 2015; Henn et 84 al. 2016), and were recently featured in three prominent articles that reconstructed human history 85 using whole genome sequencing data from over 20 populations (Malaspinas et al 2016; Mallick 86 et al 2016; Pagani et al 2016). (Beichman, Phung, Lohmueller, 2017)
  • The current study used data from three progeny trials that also featured in the studies of Brawner et al (2011, 2012). (Hung et al., 2016)
  • Dr Jeuken wrote a boxed reading article on lettuce BILs, while Dr Bai contributed two articles, a supplement to Chapter 39 (Breeding tomatoes) as well as a paper on the introgression breeding of tomatoes as part of the industry highlights featured in the book. (Acquaah, 2012)
  • 5.6 Consider the 22 factorial design featured in the illustration in Figure 3.1 in Chapter 3. (Anderson-Cook, Montgomery, Myers, 2016)
  • Another web service where you can run simple Python programs (like those featured in the first five chapters of this book) is Rep.it (https://repl. it/languages/python3). (Bassi, 2017)
  • There is another method called easy_install that was featured in the first edition of this book, but pip has more features so easy_install was removed from this book. (Bassi, 2017)
  • For this purpose the NCBIXML parser, featured in the next subsection, comes in handy. (Bassi, 2017)
  • Around the Mediterranean Sea, radiata would doubtless have featured in many trial plantings before 1950, for which there is little readily accessible documentation. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
  • The other belonged to New Zealand Forest Products Ltd (NZFP), which featured in Chap. 3 for creating its own massive resource of radiata. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
  • Being tolerant of various herbicides, radiata in some countries featured in the development of mechanised (often aerial) postplanting applications of herbicides. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
  • Moreover, pines have featured in ancient myths and rituals throughout TEMPERATE ECOSYSTEMS / Pines 1431 human history, and have been celebrated in visual art, prose, poetry, and music. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • Fisher's work on maximum likelihood estimation is featured in Chapter 4. (Efron, Hastie, 2016)
  • This can be a formidable task in high-dimensional problems, the very kinds featured in computer-age inference. (Efron, Hastie, 2016)
  • The mclapply function can be used, for example, to carry out the variable selection calculations that were featured in the Rmpi example. (Eubank, Kupresanin, 2011)
  • The command, together with other major Stata commands for mixed models, is featured in the text by Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal (2008). (Hilbe, 2009)
  • The Yangambi population is featured in many breeding and seed production programs worldwide. (Janick, 2002)
  • Palm NF 32.3005 was featured in most of the distributions. (Janick, 2002)
  • The rainfall example of Fay et al (2000) featured in Chapter 1 described four experimental treatments defined as a 22 factorial structure. (Morris, 2010)
  • Software for mixed models is becoming more accessible, since it is now featured in at least two prominent statistical computing environments: SAS and 161 log(yield) 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 162 Figure 7.1 Scatterplot of the density and log.yield for the onions data. (Ruppert, Wand, Carroll, 2003)



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