左肩 Left shoulder
倒带的记忆没放完 The rewind memory isn't over.
时间也停止了想念 Time also stopped missing.
我害怕再也不能见 I was afraid I'd never see it again.
重叠的想念还没完 The overlapping yearning is not over.
安静的复习着对白 Review the dialogue quietly.
你把右手放在我左肩 You put your right hand on my left shoulder.
轻声对我说了句抱歉 Whispered an apology to me.
你对我说的那一句 That sentence you said to me.
爱你还一直回荡在耳边 Love you still reverberates in my ears.
我对你没有太多的抱怨 I don't complain too much about you.
只是希望能回到从前 I just wish I could go back.
谢谢你给我的一切 Thank you for everything.
我全部都留恋 I miss them all.
倒带的记忆 Rewind the memory.
重叠的想念 Overlapping thoughts.
微笑着说再见 Smile and say goodbye.
厚着脸皮 壮着胆子 耐着性子 攒着劲儿 去取悦一个不可能的人
