DNS Error: could not resolve address
To be solve
history 50
75 dokku mongo:info marshmallow
76 dokku
77 dokku logs wesync
78 dokku ps:restart
79 dokku ps:restart wesync
80 dokku trace on
81 cd /var/log/nginx/
82 cat error.log
83 cat access.log
84 ls
85 cat wesync-access.log
86 cat wesync-error.log
87 curl localhost:3000
88 curl localhost:80
89 curl wesync.wesync.cc
90 curl http://wesync.wesync.cc
91 dokku ps
92 cd ~
93 dokku ps wesync
94 curl localhost:5000
95 curl localhost:80
96 clear
97 dokku
98 dokku help
99 dokku trace off
100 dokku help
101 dokku logs wesync
102 dokku logs:help
103 dokku apps:help
104 dokku proxy:help
105 dokku proxy wesync
106 dokku proxy:report wesync
107 dokku config
108 dokku config wesync
109 dokku config help
110 dokku config:help
111 dokku config:set wesync DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP=http:80:5000
112 nginx -t
113 docker inspect
114 docker inspect wesync
115 dokku ps wesync
116 docker inspect id
117 docker inspect id|grep ip
118 docker inspect id|grep IP
119 dokku nginx:error-logs wesync
120 history -h
121 history --help
Semantic UI cannot access
重新部署时, dokku 使用了 cached 的 node_modules
Solution: dokku config:set APPNAME NODE_MODULES_CACHE=false