- 英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part4 Learnin
- 英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part3 L-Emma&
- L3U1P2 Vocabulary:actions&compar
- L8-U1-P2 英语流利说 8-1-2 懂你英语 Level8
- L3U1P2 Listening :Time zones
- L7-U1-P2 英语流利说 7-1-2 懂你英语 Level7
- L3U1P2 Listening:star dream
- 英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part3 L-Emma&
- 英语流利说 Level6 Unit1 Part2 L-Talki
- 懂你英语L5-Unit1 2 At Jessica's Reun
Office Gossip 网络办公室八卦; gossip 流言蜚语; 闲言碎语; 说长道短; 闲聊;
What are you so excited about?
Have you heard? John and Sophie are getting a divorce.
No,I haven't. But I'm not surprised.To be honest,I never expected their marriage to last very long.She is so aggressive and bossy.
marriage n.结婚; 婚姻; 婚姻生活
aggressive adj.好斗的; 挑衅的; 侵略的;
bossy adj.好指挥人的; 专横的
affair n.公共事务; 政治事务; 事件; 事情; (尤指已婚男女的) 私通,风流韵事
have an affair 网络外遇; 有了生平第一次外遇; 婚外恋; 出轨
Well I think John had an affair.He met someone on a business trip.
Really? How did you find THAT out? find out 尤指通过刻意努力) 发现,找出,查明; 查出…行为不轨
Sherry told me a few minutes ago.
Oh,Sherry.She is such a gossip.I wouldn't believe anything she says.
No really.This time I think we can trust her.I don't think she is making it up. g it 连读 get up 编造
Wow! This is news.What about their baby?
I don't know.I haven't heard anything about that.
Well,that's too bad. Even though I don't like either one of them,I feel sorry for them. It's so sad when this happens especially for the child.
Year,right.It's easy to get caught up in all the gossip and forget to think about the serious consequences. 很容易被流言蜚语吸引,而忘了思考严重的后果
get caught up [词典]被卷入,卷入到; consequence n.结果; 后果; 重要性;
Still,I can't say I'm surprised.Can you imagine living with someone like that?
No,I can't.She is so self-centered.
And what about him?
I don't know him well but he seems nice.
I think so too.I'm not sure how he ever fell for her. 爱上她了 我不知道他是怎么爱上她的。
fall for [词典]迷恋; 爱上; 被…倾倒; 上…的当; 受…的骗; 对…信以为真
Are you kidding? Hormones.You have to admit that she is physically attractive.He probably couldn't help himself.And now it seems he has fallen for someone else.
Hormone n.激素; 荷尔蒙; couldn't help 网络忍不住; 禁不住
I guess he can't control himself. I have heard that he has a drinking problem too.
Oh, I wasn't aware of that. Well ,what is new,right? Somethings have never changed.
That's for sure.Hey,what about lunch?
No thanks.I'd better get back to work.
(How was Sophia described?) Sophia 是怎么被描述的
(To gossip is to talk about or spread rumors about the lives of other people.)
rumor n.谣言;
(To have an affair means for a married person to have a romantic relationship outside the marriage.)
married adj.已婚的; 婚姻的
(What can't she imagine?) She can't imagine living with someone like Sophie.
(How did she feel about the couple ,John and Sophia?)
(Why did she think John was attracted to Sophie?) 为什么她认为John 喜欢Sophie.
(Hormones are chemicals in the body that control how people feel.)
(And now it seems he had fallen for someone else.)
(To fall for someone means to fall in love with them.)
(What wasn't she aware of ?)