Walking along the riverbank was a great way to spend the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The lights were out. The sky was dark. Although some clouds could be deciphered, there were neither stars nor the moon. Many people were there, strolling, smoking, fishing, sitting and chittering. They moved like puppets amid the darkness. With dark buildings and dark plants on one side and dark waters billowing on the other, our hearts were down, soaked in the gloom.
Suddenly, all the lights were on. The red plastic track, the green trees and bushes, the orange streetlights, people's colourful clothes, and most of all, a giant, round, silver moon that seemed to come out of nowhere was shining brightly on the top of a building in the near distance.
It was like magic. Lights immediately dispelled the gloom. Many people pulled out their cell phones and took pictures of the exceptionally large, round, bright moon, filled with awe and gratitude.
Things were the same. Light, however, made all the difference.
Even when it's dark, do not despair. Be patient. At any time, the light can return. As long as we have hope and warmth, we can still shine from our hearts and eyes even when everything outside is dark. We can make light while searching for light. If we look for hope in despair, life will be glorious in the end.