
作者: 小懿米 | 来源:发表于2020-05-21 23:32 被阅读0次

To my dear and only queen:

All I want to say is I love you, why

I don’t know even where to start

You are beautiful

And wise

You are so gentle

Yet strong

You are the apple of my eye

Sometimes I wonder how are you so perfect!

Raising three troublemakers on your own

Oh they bring you so much trouble

But you carry and nurture them

With forever patience, love and care

I hope one day I could be like you

Age with elegance and poise

Every breath and walk I take is special

Only given by you

Without you there is no me

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

For giving me the opportunity to experience and love myself and others

I promise to treasure this gift of yours and not let you worry again

I will make you proud and become your pillar of strength this time


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