华盛顿--解放运动争取民众的支持,自由派人士周五表示,伯尼 - 桑德斯 ( Bernie Sanders ) 接受乔 - 罗根 ( Joe Rogan ) 的支持,传递了一个危险的信息,即候选人正试图赢得 2020 年总统大选。 政治评论员格里芬 ( ScottGriffin ) 说 : "这只是桑德斯的竞选活动,让许多人投票给他,帮助他赢得总统大选。" 他称竞选活动推动罗根支持 " 面具脱光 " 的时刻,暴露桑德斯赢得民主党初选,最终赢得大选的目标。 " 看到像伯尼 - 桑德斯这样的民主党候选人试图从不同选区和人口结构中审判选民,是非常不安的。 就像他的整个战略都在打击特朗普。 我们在 2016 年看到了这一点,但我真的很高兴看到它又重新抬头了。 我都是为了建立民主的多数,但如果我们要接受更多的人,就不会有其他的人。 " 葛里芬补充说,更令人感到不安的是,桑德斯将在选举年进行这项工作。
Liberals Say Sanders’s Acceptance Of Rogan Endorsement Sends Dangerous Message He Trying To Win Election
WASHINGTON—Slamming the campaign for promoting the popular podcaster’s backing, liberals said Friday that Bernie Sanders’s acceptance of Joe Rogan’s endorsement sends a dangerous message that the candidate is trying to win the 2020 presidential election. “This is just the Sanders campaign opening the gates to a plurality of people who would vote for him and help him win the presidency,” said political commentator Scott Griffin, who called the campaign’s promotion of Rogan’s endorsement a true “mask off” moment, exposing Sanders’s goal of winning the Democratic primary and eventually the general election. “It’s very unnerving to see a Democratic candidate like Bernie Sanders try to court voters from varying constituencies and demographics. It’s like his whole strategy is beating Trump. We saw hints of this in 2016, but I’m truly sickened to see it rearing its ugly head again. I’m all for creating a Democratic majority, but not if we have to accept more people than the other side has.” Griffin added that it was even more disturbing that Sanders would attempt this during an election year.