the troubled seas of thought 心乱如麻?
there are well-dressed foolish ideas just as there are well-dressed fools.
there are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everthing or to doubt everthing; both ways save us from thinking.应付生活两条简便的方法:去相信一切或者怀疑一切,每一条都把我们从思考的苦难中解救。(don't be irrational babe)
during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession--heir ignorance.
we think so because other people all think so; or because after all we do think so; or because we were told so, and think we must think so; or because we once thought so, and think we still think so; or because, having thought so, we think we will think so...
我们之所以这样想的是因为其他人都是这样想的;或者再不济我们确实是这样想的;或者因为我们被人告诉要这样想,觉得我们必须得这样想;又或者因为我们曾经这样想过而且认为我们依然还是会这样想;又或者因为一直在这样想,认为我们会这样想。。。(天呐 真喜欢这段)
