知道Jhameel是在今年3月份,偶然的听到《white lie》,大脑迅速构建出一副这样的画面,一个灵巧的舌头上面五彩缤纷的跳跳糖在跳舞,瞬间被吸引。于是,好奇心驱使,去听了他的其他音乐,自此入坑。百度,谷歌等等搜索,然而网上的信息寥寥无几,幸好还有网易云音乐强大的评论功能,于是在B站我找到了好多关于Jhameel的音乐视频。
Jhameel was once set on the path to officer-ship in the United States Army. Although his linguistic skills in Arabic, Spanish, Korean, and Russian would have been highly rewarded in the military, Jhameel quit the program before signing an irrevocable contract due to personal beliefs about U.S. presence in the Middle East. He then earned a degree in Arabic from UC Berkeley within just two years, graduating summa cum laude. Immediately after, he began his career in music.
Jhameel creates explosively funky music comprised of soul-stirring guitar, immersive synthesizers, triumphant brass, and athletic, melodic vocals inspired equally by Prince and Michael Jackson. He plays each and every instrument on his records himself, creating catchy melodies that settle easily into your mind with human lyrical themes that continue to challenge the heart. Jhameel’s skills extend to the mixing board too, as he produces his own music.
Jhameel’s second album, The Human Condition, sparked interest with thousands of music fans, propelling tracks “Bernal Heights” and “The Human Condition” to the top of the Hype Machine Popular Charts. He followed up with the Dance EP, which featured the furiously energetic “Shut Up”, a track that not only took over the Hype Machine charts once more, but became Forever 21’s flagship song for the fall of 2011.
我总觉得一个人如果没有漂亮的脸蛋,但是还是能令人疯狂着迷,那你就不得不承认这是“魅力”在作祟了。小眼睛,嗯,比李荣浩能大点儿。因为曾患过严重的OCD,所以接受不了不对称。幸好,也许是军旅生涯的历练,也许是生死对人思想的改变,这个已经缓解了好多。关于这个心路历程,有兴趣的大家可以搜索他的《Lion’s den》。于是我们看到的Jhameel是这样~这样~,他的粉丝也是这样,下次,我一定要买人体绘画油彩,好好画画脸。
他的声音像是有精灵在舌尖上跳舞,为此,我想过一些形容词,甜的薄荷糖,骚气的,痞气的,灵魂的,一个手持三叉戟的黑色小妖精在他的舌头上蹦来蹦去。Jhameel的音乐啊,让我发现,天呐,我竟然是这种人~~~《PCH》里动人的让人立马想找个男朋友,《Feisty》色气满满,《shadow of man》里的女权主义狠得字字见血,《sodier's daughter》《foundation》里对战争的思考,《Let's run away》我真想说,run,run,run,带着我跑吧!
听取推广音频请搜索 荔枝FM电台“Rachel的小永远”