

作者: taoeaten | 来源:发表于2016-01-26 21:36 被阅读39次

waist sprain ——Mayday

天生就是毛毛又躁躁 冒冒失失又乱糟糟
I am irritable, rash in born and my life always in a mess
若没大脑刚好没烦恼 省事不少
I will eat my own brain if this can take all my troubles away
就算明天是末日来到 今晚一样康熙来了
even tomorrow is the end of the world, I'll watch Kangxi Talk Show tonight
音效出现好惨变好笑 整个歪腰
the sound effect suddenly jumps out,making a bad scene to funny scene
人生就像是歌手上通告 最需要出其不意的滑倒
life is just like advertising on a TV show, all we need is a suddenly slip
让眼泪交织哄堂的大笑 要坏掉也要光荣的坏掉
just let my tear make you break into laughter, I will keep my pride even when I lose
管他的 坏就坏掉 谁不会歪腰歪腰 命运偶尔也会 好好笑
what the hell, it is just a small failure, everyone will face it,
fate is always so ironic and funny
我不会鬼吼鬼叫 顶多是歪腰歪腰 就算搞笑我也 绝对不求饶
I will not roar with anger, and just let your laughter louder
But I will never step back and beg for your mercies.
无论是谁的无理取笑 无论如何我不计较 志向越高越弯的下腰 越能歪腰
no matter how you make fun of me,i don't care about that
because I know man with dominant aspiration can endure all these suffering
人生就像是连续剧预告 最需要排山倒海的琼瑶
life is just like a tv series trailer, qiongyao-style is the best.
要最後结局感人到炸掉 更需要剧情苦命到荒谬
the endings must be particularly touching and the scenario must be ridiculously sorrowful
管他的坏就坏掉 谁不会歪腰歪腰 命运偶尔也会好好笑
what the hell, it is just a small failure, everyone will face it,
fate is always so ironic and funny
我不会鬼吼鬼叫 顶多是歪腰歪腰 就算搞笑我也绝对不求饶
I will not roar with anger, and just let your laughter louder
But I will never step back and beg for your mercies.
人生就像是好莱坞主角 只害怕灾难等级太无聊
life is just like playing as a Hollywood star,the more severe disaster will make a better drama
就算是坐上铁达尼克号 我也要浪漫浪到能炫耀
If I am on the Titanic,I'll show you my best romance
管他的坏就坏掉谁不会歪腰歪腰 命运偶尔也会好好笑
我不会鬼吼鬼叫顶多是歪腰歪腰 就算搞笑我也不求饶
管他的歪腰歪腰 谁不会歪腰歪腰 命运偶尔也会很歪腰
我就是歪腰歪腰 顶多是歪腰歪腰 命运你就来吧 绝对不求饶



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