Day 19 各种神:
Keep a low profile, never take the lead, and make a difference
2. Thucydides Trap:修昔底德陷阱
3. Washington consensus:华盛顿共识
4. State-of-the-nation speech: 年度工作报告
5. Not interfering in other countries’ internal affairs:不干涉其他国家的内政
6. Common and differentiated responsibilities:共同但有区别的责任
1. Go viral:像病毒一样传播开来;
2. Marks a change:有变化
3. Be wary of sth:提防
4. Boss others around:指使别人做某事
5. Step up its multilateral commitments:加强多边承诺
6. Model on榜样
7. Be resistant to抵抗
8. One-size-fits-all approach:万全之策
1. The signals are amplified by similar ones further down the system and fleshed out by controlled discussions in state-owned media.
2. China is a revisionist power, wanting to expand influence within the system. It is neither a revolutionary power bent on overthrowing things, nor a usurper, intent on grabbing global control.
3. Global rules on trade and finance, it seems, are too important for Mr.Xi not to defend.
