2021-01-08 You Can Reinvent Your

2021-01-08 You Can Reinvent Your

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2021-01-08 21:23 被阅读0次

Certain things stay with us our entire lives, like immutable guideposts that reflect our deepest passions.

For me, it has always been the blank page, awaiting marks from my drawing pen or words from my laptop computer.

As a young boy, the blank pages of my sketchbooks became worlds of creative joy and discovery. They remain so now, in my fifth decade.

Whether drawing, painting or writing, the blank page (or canvas) is home to my creative being. It’s where the swirling dreams, ideas, and artistic expressions come alive.

Creating artwork and writing have always brought me great fulfillment and joy. Being a creative was my destiny, even though most of my adult professional life was in law enforcement.



      本文标题:2021-01-08 You Can Reinvent Your
