- latex环境搭建
- tex live+atom
- tex live+texstudio
- 文件识别
- *.bst:bibliography style,modify the prefix of doi
- *.tex:main file
- *.bib:reference source;mendely create, shell proceed, bibtex create
- figures: source file
- elsevier template
- title
- author& coresponding author
- adress
- fntext
- abstract
- keyword
- section
- reference
- latex learning
- list
- label and ref
- align
- paragraphy
- theorem
- textbf
- table
- three line table
- figure
- equation
- reference
template ref
- title
- author
- orginization
- abstract
- keywords
- section
- paragraphy
- footnote
- reference
- 删除一作外的其他作者,并且添加 et al.
author = {Lunt, T and Pan, O and Herrmann, A and Teschke, M and Dunne, M and Feng, Y and Wischmeier, M and Planck, Max and Physics, Plasma and Germany, Garching},
- 定位author行,进行替换
awk '$0~"author" {print $5}' test
# 打印第5列到最后一列
awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4="";print $0}' test
- 无法打出"et al."
- 删除指定行
# sed 方法
#sed -i '/CCFE/a\case "DUT-PSI"' default_compiler
# awk method
awk '$0 ~ "url" { print} ' mybib.bib
# deal url
sed -i '/^url/d' mybib.bib
grep url mybib.bib
# deal abstract
sed -i '/^abstract/d' mybib.bib
# deal file
sed -i '/^file/d' mybib.bib
elsevier template
list of figure
elsevier 小白鼠
elsevier templete addiational
set two column
\usepackage{lineno,hyperref} % show linenumber & hyperlink
\usepackage{graphicx} % insert figure
\usepackage{verbatim} % samelir With origin
\usepackage{caption} % set the properities of figure
%\usepackage{theorem} % set the theorem environments no use
\usepackage{booktabs} % draw a tab
\modulolinenumbers[1] % set the step of number
\journal{Nuclear materials and energy}
%% Elsevier bibliography styles
%% To change the style, put a % in front of the second line of the current style and
%% remove the % from the second line of the style you would like to use.
%% Numbered
%% Numbered without titles
%% Harvard
%% Vancouver numbered
%% Vancouver name/year
%% APA style
%% AMA style
%% `Elsevier LaTeX' style
\title{a title}
%% specify the authors and address
\author[1]{Yanjie Zhang}
\author[1]{Chaofeng Sang\corref{cor1}}
\author[2]{Jiaxian Li}
\author[1]{Chen Zhang}
\author[1]{Daoyuan Liu}
\author[1]{Dezhen Wang}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author} % display the Corresponding authors
\address[1]{Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams (Ministry of Education), School ofPhysics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China}
\address[2]{Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041, China}
%% specify the abstract
snowflake\sep HL-2M\sep recycling\sep power exhaust
%\MSC[2010] 00-01\sep 99-00
%% information
%% list environments: enumerate, itemize, and description
numbered lists
\noindent This space has the following properties: % no sapce in the begin line
\item first
\item second
\item third
bulleted lists
\noindent This is a bulleted lists
\item first
\item secondary
\item $3^{th}$
captioned lists
\noindent This is a captioned list
\item[first] first
\item[2th] $2^{nd}$
\item[3rd] third
nested numbered
\item $1^{st}$ level1
\item first level 2
\item first level 3
\item first level 4 \label{le:level4} % add label for level
\item second l4
\item second l3
\item[] $2^{ed}$ l2 % \item[] don't display the tick of list
\item second l1
test for reference of first of level4: \ref{le:level4}
You can set the legend of number tick, but can't use refs again
\noindent test for legend of enumerate
\item first
\item $2^{nd}$
\item third \label{test:legend}
Is there any label: \ref{test:legend}
\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{{\normalfont (\roman{enumi})}}
\noindent roman style:
\item first
\item $2^{nd}$
\item third \label{test:legend1}
Is there any label: \ref{test:legend1} % don't change the root of number
Now we learn how to set the style and size
The \begin{bfseries}test for bf\end{bfseries}
test for enter \\
is this all right
\noindent I can't test for align, because i don't know some environment
\item centering
\item raggedright
\item raggedleft
test for proclamations
\paragraph{First} is theorem
\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % define the theorem environment
My first theorem
test for hfill
\item first
\item second
test for proof
test for proof
Test for tabular environment
\hline % draw a line
name &1&2&3 \\ \hline
peter &2&3&4 \\ \hline
test for a table
\begin{center} % center for caption??
\hline % draw a line
Name &1&2&3 \\ \hline
Peter &2&3&4 \\ \hline
\caption{\it description of table.}\label{tab:first} % set the style of description
test for multicolumn
\begin{table}[ht] % set the table in here
name &month&week&amount\\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{| l |}{left multi a\textsuperscript{2} b\textsubscript{2}}& 100\\ \hline
\caption{\textbf{Tab \texttt{multicolumn}}}\label{tab:second}
test for table style
\begin{center} % set the location of table
first &second& last\\
\caption{three line tab}\label{tab:3th}
test for alias
\item document style
\item baselineskip
\item front matter
\item keywords and MSC codes
\item theorems, definitions and proofs
\item lables of enumerations
\item citation style and labeling.
%% insert the equation
%% insert figure
% \listoffigures % create the figure list, no use for papers
\centering % align to center
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{fig1_mesh-cs.pdf} % import the figure,say ti 68% of its original size[scale=.86]; width:set the width of figure inserting in pdf
\caption{The structure of xx} % set the figure title
%% how to set the properties of table
%% float control & insert tables
% b sepcify bottom of the page
% h here(where the environment appears in the text)
% t top of the page
% p a separate page
% [!h]proceed the requset, even if this placement of tables violates the rules as set by some of the parameters
\section{Simulation model}
The author names and affiliations could be formatted in two ways:
%% list numbered
\item Group the authors per affiliation.
\item Use footnotes to indicate the affiliations.
See the front matter of this document for examples. You are recommended to conform your choice to the journal you are submitting to.
\section{Simulation results and discussion}
There are various bibliography styles available. You can select the style of your choice in the preamble of this document. These styles are Elsevier styles based on standard styles like Harvard and Vancouver. Please use Bib\TeX\ to generate your bibliography and include DOIs whenever available.
%% insert figure
Here are two sample references: \cite{C.F.Sang2020,Du2020,Fusion2020,Lunt2019,BONNIN2017}