Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Website De

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Website De

作者: 夏晓勇Andy | 来源:发表于2017-02-22 21:59 被阅读0次

    (An English version of this message follows)

    Win with Results(简称WIN)是一家致力于发展推动绿色科技的非营利机构(http://www.winwithresults.ca)。目前,WIN正在招募website developer,负责维护和更新组织网站。值得一提的是,作为website developer,你每个月都会直接与WIN CEO见面开会两次,是一个难得的拓展人脉的机会。感兴趣的同学请看下面的招聘启事。

    Win with Results (or WIN for short) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting green technology (http://www.winwithresults.ca). Currently, WIN is looking for volunteer website developers to assist with maintaining and updating its website. In this role, you will have the opportunity to meet with the organization's CEO twice a month. This is a valuable networking opportunity for anyone who's interested in IT or environmental studies fields. For more information on how to apply, please see the call for volunteers below.

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          本文标题:Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Website De
