Hello 大家好,我是Jenny,又和大家见面了!
skin care is former than make up, but skin care can make you look younger in over one decade than others. So it is pretty important to do everyday.
facial cleaner /face wash 洗面奶 —— to clean up your face and make your face feel free
(foaming 泡沫 milky 奶 cream 霜 gel 凝胶)
toner 爽肤水——to make your face softer
firming lotion 紧肤水
essence emulsion 精华
the most expensive part of skin care which can benefits us to have anti-aging
moisturizer 润肤乳
cream 面霜 ——in winter to protect your skin to keep moisture

facial mask / masque 面膜
hand cream 护手霜
shampoo 洗发露 “香波”
hair conditioner 护发素
body wash 沐浴露
body lotion 身体乳
facial scrub 磨砂膏
eye cream 眼霜——to eliminate dark circles
sun screen/ sun block 防晒霜
1.premier 妆前乳——to protect your skin at the first step of make-up
foundation 粉底液
make up base 隔离霜
concealer / color correct 遮瑕膏 to conceal your flaws on your face then you will be flawless
powder 定妆粉 to make foundation stay longer
shading powder 修容粉
loose powder 散粉、蜜粉
blush powder 腮红
eye shadow 眼影
eyebrow powder、pencil 眉粉、眉笔
eyeliner 眼线
mascara 睫毛膏 ——to make your lashes longer and brighter
lip balm 唇膏
lips 、 lipsticks 口红
lip gloss 唇釉
makeup remover 卸妆水
关于“function” 化妆品功能
hydrating / moisturizing 补水保湿
purifying 净化
repairing/ treatment 修护
whitening 美白
brightening 提亮
nourishing 滋养
firming 紧致
refreshing 清新
illuminating 闪亮
refining 改善
balancing 平衡
pore-minimizing 细致毛孔
sun-proof / sun resistant 防晒
waterproof 防水
long lasting 持久
anti-aging 抗衰
anti-oxidant 抗氧化
acne / pimple 痘痘
spot 斑点
combination skin 混合性皮肤
dry skin 干性皮肤
normal skin 中性皮肤
oily skin 油性皮肤
sensitive skin 敏感性皮肤
